Is Biology Insensitive?
By Ecce Verum   |   09.22.23
Academia is being infected with the virus of absurdity. Theology, philosophy, arts, and social sciences have all been infiltrated with truth-denying ideologies which, starting out as seemingly innocent statements, eventually turn into denial of some of the most basic and objectively verifiable statements known to man. And while it's one thing for the arts and the humanities to fall victim to modern fallacies, it's extra shocking when "hard" sciences start to cave as well.
Don’t Miss an Evening With Eric Metaxas!
By Mae Arthur   |   09.21.23
Eric Metaxas is, among other things, a New York Times #1 bestselling author, speaker, host of a nationally-syndicated radio show, and a strong Christian conservative whose wit, clarity, and stubborn optimism make him a much sought-after voice in this cultural moment.
America’s Chaplain and the Fight for Justice
“America's Chaplain” and Illinois Pastor, Steve Lee, now has a GiveSendGo account to collect funds for his legal defense: We at Illinois Family Institute have been raising funds for him too, collecting tax-deductible donations at and letting people designate to the Pastor Lee Legal Defense cause.
The Feminist’s War on Women
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   09.19.23
Self-loathing is a peculiar and tragic phenomenon.  The Bible states that “no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it,” (Ephesians 5:29 NKJV), so there is something particularly ugly about radical feminists fomenting self-hatred in young women. The Bible is correct.  We do love ourselves, but a conflict arises when we see things in ourselves that we don’t like, even though those things may be phantoms of Leftists’ corrupted imaginations.
Dropping Like Flies
Some phrase origins are hard to pinpoint such as “dropping like flies.”  A story in the May 1902 edition of the Atlanta Constitution might have said it first, “I saw men and women rushing back and forth within the flames. They would run along, then came the choking smoke and they would drop like dead flies.” 
Speak Out Against Mildew
By Ecce Verum   |   09.15.23
The Mosaic law is one giant picture book. Turn to almost any page and you'll find imagery teaching you about God. You'll find specifications for the priesthood illustrating Christ's mediation and showing how holy God is. You'll find records of the Israelites' many blunders into sin that show us just how serious our own blunders are.
You Can Help Children Flourish!
By David E. Smith   |   09.14.23
Teacher union lobbyists and government employees work against every school choice bill and scholarship program they can; they reject the need for parental control over their children’s education. In doing so, they flatly dismiss the ability of parents to educate their own children or even to make viable decisions on their behalf.
On Mission from God
By David E. Smith   |   09.09.23
The 1980 The Blues Brothers movie centered on a quest to raise property tax money to save an orphanage from being closed down. Though targeted by a homicidal mystery woman, Neo-Nazis, and a country western band, and relentlessly pursued by Illinois State Troopers, they repeatedly reminded themselves that they were on “a mission from God.”
Pritzker and Cardona’s Band-Aid for an Educational Hemorrhage
By Mae Arthur   |   09.08.23
Earlier this week, Governor Pritzker and U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona visited an after-school program at Fairview Elementary School in Springfield. This was just one stop on Cardona’s five-state midwestern bus tour to promote the Biden Administration’s new “Raise the Bar: Lead the World” education agenda.
Is Pregnancy Dangerous?
By Ecce Verum   |   09.07.23
In 2006, a woman named Rozelletta Blackshire was arrested in Georgia and charged with criminal abortion and first degree cruelty to children. Why? According to police, she and her two cousins had forced her 16-year-old pregnant daughter to drink turpentine in order to force an abortion. Pregnancy should not be a threat to women.
America’s Pastor: Freedom of Religion & Freedom of Speech Under Attack
“If I am to be effective, which I believe I am, we must always see the hurting human in front of us and compassionately, sensitively, truthfully confront that person with the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ.” These are the honest and sincere words of Reverend Stephen Lee, also known as America’s Pastor. Recently, Reverend Lee was indicted in Georgia for so-called election interference, along with 18 others, including former president Donald Trump. The state alleges Lee and others “unlawfully conspired and endeavored to conduct and participate in a criminal enterprise in Fulton County, Georgia, and elsewhere.”
Who Decides?
By Thomas Hampson   |   09.02.23
Gender-affirming care is the current standard for dealing with any child who is gender non-conforming, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The primary proponent of that standard in the administration is Rachel Levine, the transgender Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services. Levin claims that any other approach endangers the welfare of the transgender child. He said: “There is no argument among medical professionals – pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, adolescent medicine physicians, adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, etc. – about the value and the importance of gender-affirming care.”
Choose Abortion or Abortion
By Ecce Verum   |   09.01.23
In recent articles, we've addressed how the very presence of legal abortion in society disempowers women, and recent studies show that up to 70% of women who have abortions feel at least somewhat coerced or pressured into the decision. However, while boyfriends and family are common sources of this pressure, they aren't the only ones. The abortion industry itself—paragon of "choice" that it is—is sometimes guilty of pressuring women into abortion.
IFI Prayer Team: Grow in Grace and Knowledge of Jesus
By David E. Smith   |   08.31.23
Andrew Carnegie said, “If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.” But Scripture tells us in Proverbs 16:3: “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” And in Colossians 3:2 we are told to “set our minds on the things above, and not on the things of this world.”
The Pursuit of Lawlessness
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   08.30.23
In the Bible, Judges 21:25, we read that when there was no king (authority) in the land of Israel, everyone “did what was right in their own eyes,” meaning lawlessness became the norm. Sounds like America today! Lawlessness is the antithesis of God, for He created order in the universe; and that order is beneficial! Mankind’s lawlessness originated with Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden (“Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and all sin is lawlessness,” I John 3:4 NKJV).
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