We want to encourage you to come to the Morris City Council meeting on October 7 at 7 p.m. to voice your opposition to the sale of recreational marijuana in our area.
Written by Julia Reinthaler and David E. Smith
Elected officials in the Village of Arlington Heights are considering a ban on limiting drug traffic and marijuana sales within village limits. We hope and pray that they will seriously consider an...
Written by Julia Reinthaler and David E. Smith
Elected officials in the Village of Crete have not yet addressed passing an ordinance to limit drug traffic and prohibit marijuana retail businesses from setting up shop in Crete. It is imperative...
Elected officials in the City of St. Charles recently voted (6-3) to move ahead to approve marijuana retail sales, with plans to allow one recreational pot shop east of the river and one west of the river. However, they have NOT voted to approve this yet, and are having a PUBLIC HEARING next Tuesday, September 17th at 7 PM at the St. Charles City Hall (2 E. Main St.) to hear from the public about whether St. Charles should allow businesses to sell recreational marijuana.
Elected officials in the Village of Oswego have been considering a ban on limiting drug traffic and marijuana sales within village limits. We hope and pray that they will seriously consider an ordinance that would prohibit marijuana retail businesses from setting up shop in Oswego.
Written by Julia Reinthaler and David E. Smith
Next week, elected officials in the City of Springfield will hold a hearing about whether to limit drug traffic and marijuana sales within the city limits. We hope and pray that they...
Next month, Village of Brookfield officials will continue the debate on whether or not to allow marijuana dispensaries and marijuana businesses from setting up shop. No trustees have yet made their opinion known except to say they need input from residents.
Unplanned and 40 Days for Life… pro-life responses to extremism in Illinois.
Find a campaign and sign up for vigil hours here: https://40daysforlife.com/browse-campaigns/...
Forty-six years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion in America through a 7-2 decision in Roe v. Wade. Then in 1992, in a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed the right to terminate preborn babies in Planned Parenthood...
Next month, Village of Libertyville officials will continue the debate to limit drug traffic by passing a local ordinance that would prohibit marijuana dispensaries and marijuana businesses from setting up shop. This past Monday (August 26th), approximately 100 folks showed up for a hearing on this subject. Observers tell us that the crowd was evenly split on the proposal.