Chicago May Soon Remove Police From Schools
By Ecce Verum   |   01.18.24
At the beginning of January, the news began to buzz with the report of Chicago alderman Nicholas Sposato, who told journalists that the city's school system is looking into removing all police officers from high schools.
Freedom Versus Foolishness
By Mae Arthur   |   01.17.24
As of January 1, a new Illinois state law is in effect that removes grant funding from public libraries that ban books “because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.” House Bill 2789 was signed by Governor J.B. Pritzker last summer and is just the latest in a string of policies advanced by this administration and motivated by its apparent obsession with indoctrinating kids into sexual orientation and gender identity ideology.
The Transgender Trap, Part 2
By Ecce Verum   |   01.09.24
In part one of this article,, we looked at a brief recently filed by 21 attorneys general from around the country. The attorneys general are urging the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to strike down a commonsense Idaho law that would keep boys out of girls' bathrooms, and among the brief’s signatories is Illinois' own Kwame Raoul. One sentence in the brief stood out in particular, as it compared "transgender" youth to their "cisgender counterparts."
Race to the Bottom
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   01.06.24
It is a sad truth that the United States, the wealthiest nation in the world and the one that spends more on education than any other, continues to see a decline in academic performance. Schools in Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C. now spend $30,000 and more per student. Only in a government-controlled system could spending rapidly increase while performance continually decreases.
The Downfall of Scholastic Books
By Kenna Rose   |   01.05.24
Stories are powerful and incredibly influential. Almost everyone can point to at least one story, if not more, that have deeply changed the way they think, act, or live. Even without meaning to, we tend to base our perception of reality around the stories we know, love, and tell.
Dr. Dorothy Tillman: An Example of Homeschool Success
By Kenna Rose   |   12.29.23
Some of the best parts of being homeschooled are the flexibility of your schedule and the ability to tackle subjects at the pace you need. This not only ensures that you understand what you are learning but gives the opportunity to do things that the stringent schedule of a public school doesn’t allow.
Illinois High School Segregating Students by Skin Color
By Alex Newman   |   12.19.23
Under the guise of closing the “achievement gap” between students of European ancestry and those of African and Latino heritage, victims of a government school in Illinois are being put into classes segregated by race. Yes, really. Apparently, “education” officials believe eliminating all white students from class will help non-whites perform better, or so they say.
Why I Am Glad to See Campus Antisemitism Revealed
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   12.18.23
The recent revelation of just how deeply antisemitism is embedded in some of our nation’s leading universities is certainly quite disturbing. But it is not in the least surprising. That’s why I, for one, am glad to see all this coming to the surface.

It’s ugly. It’s insidious. It’s inexcusable. But, at last, it’s being exposed for the world to see.
Whom Should We Distrust: Parents or the Government?
By Israel Wayne   |   12.13.23
This past week, I’ve been dealing with a lot of media being interviewed by publications like The Washington Post, The Detroit Free Press, a CBS TV affiliate, an ABC radio affiliate, etc.
Home Schooling Growth Draws New Attention, Concern From Establishment
By Fran Eaton   |   12.12.23
According to a series in the Washington Post, parents choosing to teach their children reading, writing, and 'rithmetic at home rather than sending them to the school down the street is a phenomenon that is worthy of in-depth research and front-page coverage.
Trans-Gendering of Children at School Exposed in “Art Club” Movie
By Alex Newman   |   12.11.23
When her 12-year-old daughter texted about staying after school for “art club,” Colorado mother Erin Lee could never have imagined how her life and the lives of her family were about to be changed forever. It turns out the “art...
It is Indoctrination, Not Education
By Thomas Hampson   |   11.28.23
Waterloo High School is in the news again. This time, it is about students from the high school Diversity Club raising money to purchase “chest binders” for transgender boys (who are biological girls) who are transitioning without the knowledge or support of their parents.
10,000 Hours of Education
By Israel Wayne   |   11.27.23
In 2008, in his book Outliers, best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell introduced a new concept into the American psyche. The “10,000-Hour-Rule” suggests that if you wish to truly excel in any field of endeavor, you need to dedicate 10,000 hours of focused and targeted practice, study and development.
Chicagoan, Mariyah Green, Stood Up for Religious Freedom in Schools and Won A Major Victory!
By Kathy Athearn   |   11.16.23
Mariyah Green, a 2020 graduate of Bogan High School (a part of Chicago Public Schools), was awarded $150,000 by the Clerk of Court from the Northern District of Illinois on October 23 because when she was a student, she was forced to participate in Hindu meditation which violated her Christian faith.
Who is Responsible?
By Thomas Hampson   |   11.15.23
There are 1.85 million public school students in grades K to 12 in Illinois. Of those, 1.2 million of them, 65 percent, cannot read at grade level, and 1.4 million, 76 percent, do not have math skills at grade level. Did you know that?
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