Tag Archives: Transgender Birth Certificates

You Can File Witness Slips for Pro-Life Bills!

The following bills are scheduled to be heard in the Human Services Committee on March 9th. Please file witness slips for all of them. It only takes a few minutes for each slip and your name will be included among those who supported/opposed the bills.
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Gov. Rauner Endorses Falsified Birth Certificates, Abandons Ethics and Science

Left-leaning Governor Bruce Rauner just signed HB 1785 into law, making it even easier than it already is for men and women who pretend to be the opposite sex to acquire falsified birth certificates. Gender-pretenders can now acquire birth certificates that falsely identify them as the sex they are not and that falsely state that this identification happened at birth, which it did not.
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Illinois Senate Approves Transgender Birth Certificates — Contact Gov. Rauner!

HB 1785 passed last week in the House by a vote of 63-32 and late Wednesday it passed in the Illinois Senate by a vote of 32-22. HB 1785 will allow gender-dysphoric persons to falsify their birth certificates, which are both legal and historical documents...
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