Tag Archives: love

“Happy Pride!” From Ms. Rachel

Ms. Rachel is a popular social media personality known for her unique educational videos for children. She is most well-known for her children’s music series which focuses on language and speech development in infants and toddlers. On June 2nd, she wished everyone a “Happy Pride!” and then followed it up the next day to defend her pro-LGBT pandering.
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Choose You This Day: Part 3

A sad commentary on American culture is its confusion regarding love, to the point that love has been flipped on its head to become its opposite!  Today, if you genuinely love, you will probably be called a hater, and many will declare that you are loving when what you say and do is actually destructive and deadly!
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“Three in One Flesh?”

The "slippery slope" idea is sometimes a fallacy. But other times, it's simply the way the world works. Concerned conservative Christians—the ones who warned us that legalizing one sexual perversion would lead to another down the road—were right. Say hello to polyamory, 2024.
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Polyamory and Open Marriage

When a culture increasingly redefines marriage, marriage itself will eventually become meaningless. If marriage can mean anything you want it to, then it actually means nothing. An example of this is a new trend that is emerging in our country: open marriages and polyamory.
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The Importance of Being Married. Some Thoughts About Love on Valentine’s Day

If there is one thing that our cultural leaders are not very earnest about anymore, it is marriage. There is much ado made about dating and the wedding ceremony itself, but how to succeed in marriage itself is given little attention. Statistics indicate that approximately half of marriages end in divorce. This is more than scandalous, it is destructive to the nation and dreadfully harmful to children, to say nothing about how God vies such things!
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Overcoming Evil

Our future depends on our children. It has for all of time so you would think that everyone would agree we need to protect them at all costs. While some people are indifferent, most are not, although there is a wide divergence of opinion on the meaning and method of protecting them.
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