Tag Archives: LGBTQ

The NFL’s Inexcusable Lack of Compassion for Michael Sam

In the drafting of Michael Sam, the NFL may have succeeded in keeping the Gay Gestapo off its back. But the league has fumbled badly by extolling behavior that may well turn out to be a death sentence for this young man.
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Illinois House Passes Another Bullying Bill

How did they vote?

This afternoon, the Illinois House voted 64 to 43 to pass HB 5707, a completely unnecessary proposal by State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), constituting nothing more than a reiteration of the Bullying Prevention Task Force recommendations that are available to all schools on the ISBE website.  Moreover, the fact that the bill’s sponsors and the ACLU have refused to ensure the rights of students and school employees to opt-out of “programming” and “training” that promote ideas that conflict with their personal and/or religious beliefs reveals the real goal, which is to use public education to …

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Portlandia Sharia: The Purge Widens

Nick Zukin, a Portland restaurateur who believes in same-sex marriage but who publicly criticized the boycott of the Chauncy Childs store (for background, see yesterday’s post), writes to say:
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Portlandia Sharia: No Way To Live

A reader alerts me to an ongoing saga from Portland. It seems that a woman named Chauncy Childs is planning to open a premium food store, a place where she can sell locally-raised and grown fresh meat and vegetables, including the non-GMO food she grows on her farm. But the people in the progressive neighborhood where she’s planning to open read her Facebook page, and found that she does not support same-sex marriage, and was kind of ugly about it. Ruh-roh!
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Email Exchange with Homosexual Journalist/Notre Dame Alumni

Following my open letter to Notre Dame University president, Rev. John Jenkins, regarding the administration’s decision to officially recognize an “LGBT” student organization, I received both a phone call and email from a Cambridge, Massachusetts homosexual activist and freelance journalist, who graduated from Notre Dame (but has since abandoned his Catholic faith for Reform Judaism). He was upset by my letter, which he describes as a “judgmental,” “vile,” and “hateful” letter. In a lengthy phone call, we discussed a whole host of issues related to homosexuality.

The next day he sent me an email to which I responded. That

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