Tag Archives: football

Online Sports Gambling – Church Leaders Beware!

Pete Rose was the all-time hit leader in Major League Baseball. However, he was gambling on the sport while playing. In the wake of the Pete Rose gambling controversy, he was banned from baseball on August 24, 1989.
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Football in the Blood (Part 2)

It must be terribly difficult to be rich. I wouldn’t know. And with God’s help, I never will. I don’t dream of winning the lottery. I don’t buy tickets. I don’t envy those who win. Or who are wildly successful in their endeavors. Including athletes. Wealth changes people. Often not in a good way. Sudden wealth is worse. The recipient is clueless on spending.
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Football In The Blood

Kolby and Keegan Kemp are not among your best known names from the college football ranks. Both played the sport at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois—a school known for excellence on the gridiron and in academics. Moreover, a school steeped in the Christian faith. Kolby played wide receiver for his four years there. Younger brother Keegan was a quarterback and receiver.
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Schools As “Religion-Free Zones”?

The U.S. Supreme Court is considering a new case related to school prayer. This story began in 2015 when high school football Coach Joe Kennedy got on his knee at mid-field after a game and thanked God quietly. Some of the players voluntarily joined him in this huddle.
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