Tag Archives: education

Back to School Concerns

Some of the most serious problems infecting public education emerge from the stranglehold that disciples of the “teaching for social justice” movement and the related social and political movement to normalize homosexual practice and Gender Identity Disorder (GID) have on academia.

The indefensible efforts to promote these partisan political theories and the simultaneous censorship of conservative resources reveal the hypocrisy of the commitments of public educators to diversity, to respect for parental rights and values, to critical thinking, and to intellectual inquiry.

Homosexuality and Gender Identity Disorder

The increasingly ubiquitous propaganda coming from activist public “educators,” and organizations like Illinois

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UN Treaty Used to Threaten Homeschool Families

PURCELLVILLE, Va., Sept. 7/Christian Newswire/ — This week the fate of four homeschooling families will be decided in Botswana. The families, adherents to the Seventh Day Adventist Church, have been ordered by a judge to send their children to public school.

Despite the judges’ findings indicating that the children were cared for and that the parents took steps to provide for the education of their children, they still need to go to public school because Botswana has acceded to the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (“UNCRC”).

The legal standard under the UNCRC is the “best interests of …

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Illinoisans Duped by “Anti-Bullying Act”

Editor’s Note: This is perhaps one of Laurie’s most important articles exposing the radical agenda in our public schools. Please read, take action, and then share this extremely important information with your neighbors, relatives, and friends.  David E. Smith, IFI’s Executive Director  

Bullying in schools is a serious problem that must be addressed. In a misguided, poorly reasoned attempt to address it, Illinois legislators recently passed the disastrous “School Anti-Bullying Act” (SB 3266).

The problem of bullying did not necessitate any new state laws in that virtually every school in the state has more than adequate anti-bullying …

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Religion, Morality and Knowledge

Written by Teri Paulson

Deficiencies in Public Education

I am a product of Illinois public schools. I was raised in the Wheaton area and attended public schools for 14 years, including a four-year degree at a public university. I paid attention in class. I studied. I got good grades. I learned what they had to teach. I only mention that because of the next thing I’m going to say: I did not learn what I needed to know to understand or appreciate my country, either its history or the principles upon which it was founded. And I did not learn …

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University of Illinois Inclusivity Standards Exclude Catholics

Examples of hypocrisy and viewpoint and religious discrimination are tumbling out of academia faster than I can keep track of. The latest is from the problem-ridden Universityof Illinois(U of I), or as I have come to think of it, the gang that couldn’t shoot straight (no pun intended).

U of I has fired adjunct professor, Dr. Kenneth Howell, who has taught for nine years in the Department of Religion. Most recently, he taught “Introduction to Catholicism” and “Modern Catholic Thought.” From all reports, it appears that Dr. Howell was fired essentially for being Catholic.

According to the News-Gazette, …

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Political Activism Trumps H.S. Basketball Trip

Another boneheaded and politically motivated decision by District 113 — the district for which I worked for a decade — has landed the Deerfield and Highland Parkcommunities in the news — yet again. It seems that ever since George Fornero assumed leadership, District 113 can’t stay out of the news. For those aware of the controversies he left in his wake in Ann Arbor, Michigan, this should come as no surprise.*

George Fornero and others he is reluctant to name have decided to cancel the Highland Park High School girls’ varsity basketball team’s tournament trip to Arizona citing the Arizona …

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Day of Silence Walkout – April 16th

A national coalition of pro-family organizations is once again asking parents to call their children out of school on the Day of Silence if their school will be permitting students and/or teachers to refuse to speak during class. Parents can find out more information about the Day of Silence Walkout, which seeks to oppose the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network’s (GLSEN) exploitation of public education for partisan political purposes, at www.doswalkout.net.

On Friday, April 16, 2010 thousands of public schools around the country will permit students and sometimes teachers to refuse to speak during class for a political …

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Abstinence Education Works

An article on abstinence-only programs appearing in the Feb. 2010 issue of Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine reports that “Only about a third of sixth- and seventh-graders who completed an abstinence-focused program started having sex within the next two years, researchers found. Nearly half of the students who attended other classes, including ones that combined information about abstinence and contraception, became sexually active. “

The authors concluded that “Theory-based abstinence-only interventions may have an important role in preventing adolescent sexual involvement.”

We can all agree that the fact that any sixth–ninth graders are having sex is unacceptable, but a …

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“Safe Schools” Czar Kevin Jennings Helps Harvard Celebrate Homosexual Terrorist Group “Act Up”

by MassResistance.org

Contributes to offensive display of sexual perversion, child pornography, and anti-Catholic bigotry — now being exhibited at Harvard University

WARNING: Photos at the linked site are offensive and pornographic.

If you want to know what Americans can expect in public schools, look no further.

Kevin Jennings is Barack Obama‘s “safe schools” czar in the US Department of Education. He’s also the founder of the national homosexual group GLSEN, which sets up “gay straight alliance” clubs in high schools and middle schools across America. GLSEN is officially supported by the Massachusetts Legislature.

Jennings is also a former member

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High-Quality Online Education Can Revolutionize K-12 and College Education

Both higher and K-12 education are in desperate need of reform, though there are some extremely positive signs are on the horizon. Within a decade we might well see elementary, secondary, and universities become more about learning and less about cushy careers for the so-called “education professionals.”

Last month I referenced the John W. Pope Center for Higher Education Policy, and today I wanted to bring to your attention an excellent article on their website by George Leef:

Creative Destruction Coming to Higher Ed
The emergence of high-quality online education could revolutionize college education.

First, let’s provide a quick …

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In Memory: Chris Klicka

A longtime champion of homeschooling rights around the globe, Home School Legal Defense AssociationSenior Counsel and Director of State and International Relations Christopher J. Klicka was called home by his Lord on October 12, 2009, at age 48, following a 15-year battle with multiple sclerosis.

An attorney, spokesman, lobbyist, and homeschooling husband and father, Chris is survived by his wife, Tracy, their seven children (ages 11-21). An integral part of Home School Legal Defense Association’s staff for 24 years, Chris was HSLDA’s first full-time employee, first executive director, and first full-time attorney. He believed passionately that homeschooling was the …

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IFI Update: Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings Warns that Schools Promote Heterosexuality


In this video clip, “Safe Schools Czar” and pederast-protector Kevin Jennings frets over the “aggressive” promotion of heterosexuality that takes place in public schools through the teaching of Romeo and Juliet.

Jennings makes the disingenuous claim that parents are fearful that homosexuals “are after their kids.” He implies that the chief concern of parents is that teachers will try to recruit children into the homosexual lifestyle, when in reality that is not the chief concern of most parents.

Rather, the concern of many parents and other taxpayers is that homosexual activists are committed to changing students’ views …

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IFI Update: Help Oust Kevin Jennings — “School Safety Czar”

The indefensible decision of Arne Duncan to appoint radical homosexual activist and founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), Kevin Jennings to the position of Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools is finally generating the public opposition it deserves.

Criticism of Jennings is coming from multiple sources all over the country. From small and large pro-family organizations to the Washington Times to Sean Hannity — all are calling for Jennings to resign or be terminated. Now is the time to act. Call or email your representatives and senators to politely demand …

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