Tag Archives: education

Decoupling Schooling from the State

On July 27 [2023],, I went to a forum hosted by Americans for Prosperity, focused on fixing the deep problems in K-12 schooling. I had been asked to come and present my perspective by the organizer of the event, even though he knew I opposed one of the three proposals his organization was supporting.
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Suffering, Challenge, and the Next Generation

God gives to all parents a two-fold charge: We must be faithful with what the Lord has given to us, and we have a duty to teach and encourage the next generation to do the same. This is a great challenge that can only be accomplished by God’s grace. Even so, we do and should ask the question, “How can we best teach and prepare our children?”
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Government Incompetence Puts Students at Risk

In an obvious attempt to discredit homeschooling as a legitimate education choice, left-leaning “news” outlet ProPublica (in cooperation with Capitol News Illinois) published an article condemning homeschool freedom in Illinois.
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Attention Parents: Illinois Has Horrible Proficiency Rates

A devasting new report from researchers at Wirepoints, a nonpartisan, Illinois-based research and news organization, reveals that Illinois is failing its children and their families. Students are failing math on a widescale level. A mere 27% of Illinois students are able to solve math problems at their grade level. An astonishing 1.4 million children are not proficient in math.
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SkyTree Book Fairs: A Pro-Family Replacement to Scholastic

I remember clearly the highlight Scholastic Book Fairs were during the school year when I was growing up. I personally loved being able to get out of class early to go peruse the books at the fair. I even convinced my mom to buy me a few. Sadly, Scholastic turned down the path of radical ideology a while ago, and these days, they continue pushing anti-family, anti-God messaging.
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2024 ICHE Homeschool Conference

The ICHE Homeschool Conference is not just a weekend to fill your mind and book bag; it is an experience that can change your family's trajectory.
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What Once Was Can Be Again: Christian Education and the Reformation

We are now in mid-2017, the 500th anniversary of the epochal and world-changing Reformation. By revisiting the teaching of that era, we can gain a renewed hope for the modern evangelical Church, the rightful heir to that rich theology and history.
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Homeschooling, Part 3

We ended the last piece in the middle of our discussion of the biblical benefits of homeschooling. Jesus tells us that every student, when he is trained fully, will be like his master (Luke 6:40), which prompts us to ask: what kind of masters are my children being trained by? We discussed the godless ideas permeating the public school classroom, but education is more than just ideas. It also involves people. So let's also consider more than just the lessons being taught; what about the people teaching them?
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Homeschooling, Part 2

In a recent piece together, we explored one of the major benefits of homeschooling that greatly impacted me as a student: the freedom that my parents had to tailor my education to my needs. I know many other homeschool families have reaped this benefit from homeschooling as well. Homeschooling parents are able to educate their children according to their individual needs and aptitudes, which often results in a more rigorous and productive education than the standard fare in the public school system.
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Why Should Anyone Homeschool? Part 1

I've been blessed to write several dozen articles for IFI on topics ranging from transgender bathrooms to sports gambling to the politically correct concept of "ableism." It's been a very fun ride. But, peering back through it all—the rants on the artificial fertility lobby and the exposés of abortion politics, the laments over the modern denial of science and the abandonment of logic—I still think back to the very first article I ever wrote for the Institute: COVID Boosted Idea of Educational Freedom.
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Its Nose in the Tent

The legislative effort to address bullying in Illinois started in 2006 when the Illinois School Code was amended. The act required schools to establish an anti-bullying policy, inform students and parents about it, and keep their updated policies on file with the Illinois State Board of Education.
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What Are They Teaching Our Children?

In recent decades the quality of American education has plummeted. When you scan the headlines related to education, you realize how far we have fallen...
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Illinois Youth Survey Warrants Caution

Every school has to know at least a little bit about the students it is teaching, and every school has to provide at least something of value to its students. But there's a flipside—in pursuit of these goals, schools should not pry into areas of family life beyond their proper purview. While every family will have slightly different standards about what is appropriate for schools to inquire about or provide for their kids, I think that concerned parents and observers of the education system may soon sound the alarm that schools are becoming too intrusive.
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There are 341,000 students in the Chicago Public Schools, divided among 638 schools—476 elementary schools and 162 high schools. According to the recent report by the Chicago Public Schools Office of Inspector General (OIG), there were 446 sexual misconduct allegations reported to the OIG during the calendar year 2023.
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Chicago May Soon Remove Police From Schools

At the beginning of January, the news began to buzz with the report of Chicago alderman Nicholas Sposato, who told journalists that the city's school system is looking into removing all police officers from high schools.
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