Tag Archives: Chris Welch

Sangamon Judge Blocks Illinois Democrat’s New Election Law

Earlier this week, Sangamon County Circuit Judge Gail Noll issued a ruling which blocks the Illinois State Board of Elections from enforcing this law. This ruling was made in response to a lawsuit filed by a group of Republican candidates who argued...
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Leftists Want to Enshrine a Right to Exterminate the Unborn in Illinois’ Constitution

Leftist boomers and their ideological spawn together have created the worst generations, shameful heirs of a noble legacy hard-won by our forebears. Leftist boomers, taking their cues from pervert Alfred Kinsey, hedonist man-child Hugh Hefner, and addled Timothy Leary, ushered in the drug and sexual revolutions... They believe their Deep Thoughts, intense feelings, and overactive groins determine morality...
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Is a State Constitutional Amendment For Abortion Expected?

When our state lawmaker convene the 103rd General Assembly on January 11th, Democrats may immediately push for a Constitutional Amendment on Abortion, hoping to permanently enshrine abortion as a legal right in Illinois.

The recent election revealed that abortion was a decisive topic, driving women and men alike to the polls.

However, despite statistics showing a relatively even split on the abortion issue, election results prove that Illinois is even more left-leaning than believed.

Illinois Senate Minority Leader-Elect John Curran (R-Lemont) admits in defeat that Illinois has all but constitutionalized abortion, being the most liberal state when it comes to …

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