Tag Archives: child sexual abuse
Complicit by Inaction
Thomas Sowell often says that “there are no solutions, only trade-offs.” What he means by that is that there is no perfect solution to any problem. There are always negative consequences to one degree or another. Greater safety means less freedom. Greater transparency means less privacy. Greater knowledge shatters innocence.
Posted in Child Exploitation, Federal, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sanctity of Life, Sexuality
Tagged Charol Shakeshaft, child sexual abuse, Elon Musk, Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein/Epstein Island, Jerry Sandusky/Second Mile Scandal, John Jay College, Kier Starmer, P. Diddy, Thomas Sowell
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Dragging Your Kids Down With Them: Part 3
Over the last couple articles, we discussed the rationale for the peculiarly odd wickedness known as drag. In what possible worldview does it make sense? That worldview is known as queer theory, a philosophy dedicated to overthrowing traditional sexual norms. Queer theory teaches that different kinds of sexual activity exist on a hierarchy, and that sex is a malleable social construct.
Posted in Child Exploitation, Education, Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sexuality
Tagged Alex Newman, child sexual abuse, drag, drag show, Drag Story Hour, family, Hannah Dyer, Harper Keenan, Harris Kornstein, Parents, Queer theory, schools
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Dragging Your Kids Down With Them: Part 2
Last time, we pointed out the abnormally odd wickedness of drag queens and we asked the question: Why this? What possible worldview advocates for a man, dressed like a woman, wearing freakish makeup, and reading a sexually deviant book to third graders? Our search for the answer took us on a brief trip through queer theory, the philosophy committed to destroying traditional sexual ethics.
Posted in Child Exploitation, Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sexuality
Tagged child sexual abuse, City Journal, drag, drag shows, Gayle Rubin, Judith Butler, Queer theory
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Securing Our Future
Our ability to protect children from sexual exploitation is declining every day. The environment has become sexually saturated. Prime-time programs on broadcast television promote casual sex, even for teens. Pornography is impossible to avoid short of disconnecting all electronics. Standards of dress and conduct have become eroticized. Societal taboos about sexual experimentation have severely eroded, and internal inhibitions have steeply declined.
Posted in Child Exploitation, Marriage/Family/Culture, Pornography, Sexuality, Uncategorized
Tagged child molestor, child sexual abuse, children, groomer, mental health, pedophile, Predators, psychology, psychopath, Securing Our Future, sexual abuse, sexual experimentation
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Ignoring Evil
The problem of child sexual abuse in the United States is far greater than most people realize. Sixty million American adults are sexual abuse survivors. Twenty percent of us. Thirty-nine million of the victims were abused before turning twelve years old. Because most of them will never tell anyone about their experiences, the scope of the problem remains largely a hidden evil.
Posted in Federal, Illinois Politics, Marriage/Family/Culture, Pornography, Sanctity of Life, Uncategorized
Tagged Abortion, Child Advocacy Centers, child prostitution, child sexual abuse, child-pornography, criminal justice system, DCFS, Ignoring Evil, Illinois Crime Investigating Commission, Illinois Legislative Investigating Commission
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Facts Matter
Several decades ago, a very prominent liberal in Illinois once told me that “there are facts and there are principles. I believe in principles. If the facts contradict the principles, then the facts must be ignored.” This seems to be the thinking of large swaths of our current population. Forget the facts. All that is important is what we believe.
Posted in Sexuality
Tagged child sexual abuse, Christopher King, DSM-5, Gender Ideology, gender studies, Janaie Jones, John Money, Kelsey Boren, Kryzie King, Myls Dobson, Transgender clinics
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Good Enough for Your Children (But Not Theirs)
Sexual Abuse of Children in Public Schools
In an excellent essay by journalist, Alex Newman published on January 5, 2022, entitled, Illinois Public Schools Battle Plague of Violence, Sexual Abuse, the author points out the deplorable scandal of children being physically and sexually abused in Illinois’ public schools. Another similar article ran on January 14, 2022.
The sexual abuse of children has been happening in Chicago’s public schools for years. Consider the Chicago Public School scandal that was exposed by the Chicago Tribune and others in August 2018. There were thousands of reports of sexual harassment (including many sexual …
Posted in Education
Tagged Alex Newman, Chicago Public School, child sexual abuse, DCFS, Department of Child & Family Services, sexual abuse
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