Tag Archives: child exploitation

Disney Is Targeting Your Children

James O’Keefe, political activist and founder of Project Veritas, recently exposed Disney Creative Marketing Director Genie Gurnani’s radical push for more LGBTQ content. This content would directly target children– your young, impressionable children. O’Keefe Media Group’s (OMG) undercover journalist had an spine-chilling conversation with Gurnani that every parent should pay attention to.
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Dragging Your Kids Down With Them: Part 1

In late June of last year, a cultural battle erupted in the small, northern-Illinois town of Rockton. With police supervising the scene, hundreds of people swarmed to the town's community center where the library board was deliberating inside. Some protesters held signs with slogans such as "Keep Your Hands off Our Children" and sang "God Bless America."
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Accomplices to Exploitation

Stories of children reported to be victims of sexual exploitation are so familiar these days that they have become little more than background noise in the daily news feed. Even our legislators don’t give this exploitation a second thought. At least, that’s the impression I get from a review of HB 5239.
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TruPlay– A Christian Alternative to Children’s Entertainment

Online games and videos are popular in today’s day and age, and many of these games are marketed towards children. YouTube Kids, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and the PlayStation 5 are common platforms that children use to access online games and entertainment.
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Feelings or Facts?

What we think is true can have the same effect on us as what is true. We have known this forever. But today, in our post-truth culture, we are becoming less concerned with discovering what is true and more focused on what we feel is true. Public opinion today is shaped more by emotion and personal beliefs than facts. The impact of this post-truth era is profound.
Posted in Child Exploitation, CRT/Racism/BLM, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sanctity of Life, Sexuality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Feelings or Facts?

The Reality of Social Media: Part 1

Everyone knows social media has negative effects. It’s the topic of countless articles, films have been made on it, people constantly discuss it, and it’s generally considered a bipartisan issue. Warning cries about social media have been sounded so often that they have become background music, even though it isn’t even 50 years old.
Posted in Child Exploitation, Marriage/Family/Culture, Media Watch, next gen | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on The Reality of Social Media: Part 1

Government Makes a Terrible Parent

The story of Sage Blair is a worst-case scenario of epic proportions. At fourteen years old, Sage, who is being raised by her grandparents, began questioning her gender identity. At school, she was encouraged to socially “transition” and began using a male name, male pronouns, and the boys’ restroom. It was only after she was sexually harassed and threatened by male students in the restroom that Sage’s grandparents found out she was embracing a transgender identity.
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Different Perspectives?

Several essential characteristics separate humans from other mammals. The most significant among them is our complex reasoning ability. We can solve problems throughout the full range of our current awareness. We have a powerful capability to observe, collect, and analyze facts. We can formulate theories and design meticulous studies to test them out. And we can debate the meaning of the findings of those studies.
Posted in Child Exploitation, Education, Faith, Federal, Illinois Politics, Marriage/Family/Culture, Pornography, Religious Liberty, Sexuality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Different Perspectives?

Fictional Book Bans

Alexi Giannoulias, Illinois Secretary of State, recently testified before a U.S. Senate Committee on the issue of how to determine what books belong in libraries and who determines what stays and what goes. Under questioning by Senator John Kennedy (R-LA), Giannoulias found himself at a loss for words after Kennedy read obscene passages from two controversial books, Gender Queer and All Boys Aren’t Blue, often found in public and school libraries.
Posted in Child Exploitation, Education, Federal, Illinois Politics, Marriage/Family/Culture, Pornography, Sexuality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Fictional Book Bans