Tag Archives: Chicago Board of Education

November 2023 Call to Prayer

Fervent praying can accomplish much for and in the kingdom of God. The English word fervent simply means “impassioned, forceful, passionate, heartfelt, powerful, and wholehearted.” The verse seems to indicate that a passionate, wholehearted prayer will accomplish much, implying that a half-hearted prayer will not be as effective. Do we pray in faith really believing and expecting God to answer our prayer and grant our requests if they are in line with His will?
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The Sandstorm: X-Rated Ed

Educator-related sexual abuse of children is escalating. Going back to 2004, a report prepared for the U.S. Department of Education revealed that nearly 9.6% of students are victims of sexual abuse by school personnel, and these are just the reported cases.
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Illinois Buzzards Want Your Kids

There’s a grand act of un-creation taking place all across this nation. Leftists are busy with this ugly business of un-creating decency, order, justice, compassion, and beauty, and children play a central role in this ugly business. To leftists, children are both objects of un-creation and tools for un-creating society. If we want to see with greater clarity the plans leftists have for the nation, there is no better place to examine than Illinois. Let’s hover above Illinois for a few minutes to get a bird’s eye view of this dark project.

Abuse in Chicago Public Schools

On Jan. 1, …

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Chicago Public Schools Promote Hindu Religious Practice of Transcendental Meditation

Next time you hear some arch-defender of the a-constitutional “wall” of separation between the church and state whose knickers are in a twist because a school allows ten seconds of silence during which students may pray, remember this story, reported last summer by the Chicago Tribune:

Students at a Chicago high school were led into a room with shades drawn and door windows papered over, lit only with candles and scented by incense. They were handed flowers and told to pay attention to instructors, according to one student’s account.

Jade Thomas, an incoming sophomore at Bogan Computer Technical High

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