Tag Archives: Billy Graham
When Charles Spurgeon Took on Slavery and Billy Graham Took On Segregation
Without a doubt, Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) and Billy Graham (1918-2018) were gospel preachers rather than social justice warriors. Yet both of them addressed some of the greatest social evils of their day without for a moment diluting their Jesus-centered messages.
Posted in Faith
Tagged Billy Graham, Charles Spurgeon, Segregation, Slavery
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Saving Lives with Every Sip
Starbucks is, most likely, the most popular coffee chain in America today. Starbucks has become popular not only for its coffee shops, but also for its coffee gear (like mugs) and affordable roasts you can purchase at many local grocery stores.
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sanctity of Life
Tagged Abortion, Anton Krecic, Billy Graham, coffee, Dobbs, Planned Parenthood, Roe v. Wade, Seven Weeks Coffee, Starbucks, Supreme Court, U.S. Supreme Court
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Good Friday Gives Us Hope
"He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed." ~1 Peter 2:24
Posted in Faith
Tagged Billy Graham, Conrad Adeneur, Good Friday, Jesus Christ
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LEFTISM: A Study in Hate
Many people throw the word “hate” around frequently and carelessly. One must wonder if they know what it means. Examine a dictionary and you will discover it associated with words like intense dislike, detest, and loath. In the Bible the word is sometimes used to refer to the results of foolish actions, such as stating that a parent who fails to discipline a child hates him, because an undisciplined child is at great risk. A spoiled child, who does not get something he wants from a parent, such as a toy, may complain that the parent “hates” him! Much like Leftists who claim that those who resist their immorality “hate” them! Like anarchists they demand the freedom to do whatever they wish.
Posted in Marriage/Family/Culture
Tagged Antifa, Billy Graham, BLM, Cancel culture, George Eliot, Jeff Bezos, Jimmy Kimmel, Karlyn Borysenko, King Nebuchadnezzar
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It’s the Courts, Stupid
When Bill Clinton was running for president in 1992, his campaign strategist James Carville gave him the formula for success: Focus on the economy. In Carville’s famous words, “It’s the economy, stupid.”
Today, President Donald Trump could easily campaign with a similar mantra, since many Americans are pleased with the economic uptick under his leadership.
But, in terms of a lasting legacy, in terms of societal impact, the real mantra should be, “It’s the courts, stupid.” You can be assured that Trump and his Republican colleagues have a good grasp on this already.
And now, with a strengthened majority …
Posted in Federal, Religious Liberty
Tagged Bill Clinton, Billy Graham, Donald Trump, Heritage Foundation, Hobby Lobby, Jack Phillips, James Carville, Jennifer Bendery, Little Sisters of the Poor, Mark Levin, Mitch McConnell, U.S. Supreme Court
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