Tag Archives: Abortion

Speak Out Against Mildew

The Mosaic law is one giant picture book. Turn to almost any page and you'll find imagery teaching you about God. You'll find specifications for the priesthood illustrating Christ's mediation and showing how holy God is. You'll find records of the Israelites' many blunders into sin that show us just how serious our own blunders are.
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Is Pregnancy Dangerous?

In 2006, a woman named Rozelletta Blackshire was arrested in Georgia and charged with criminal abortion and first degree cruelty to children. Why? According to police, she and her two cousins had forced her 16-year-old pregnant daughter to drink turpentine in order to force an abortion. Pregnancy should not be a threat to women.
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Choose Abortion or Abortion

In recent articles, we've addressed how the very presence of legal abortion in society disempowers women, and recent studies show that up to 70% of women who have abortions feel at least somewhat coerced or pressured into the decision. However, while boyfriends and family are common sources of this pressure, they aren't the only ones. The abortion industry itself—paragon of "choice" that it is—is sometimes guilty of pressuring women into abortion.
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The Power of Prayer

As Christians, we have the amazing freedom of coming before the throne of the Almighty, Holy, Omnipresent, All-Powerful Creator of the universe to petition Him in prayer – without being destroyed – because of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. It’s an incredible privilege, and what’s more, we’re told in James 5:16b that “the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” Prayer is powerful because we are talking to a powerful God. As we wrestle against “the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Eph. 6:12), prayer is one of the strongest weapons we have.
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Four Ways Culture is Attacking Manhood

Four principles of manhood that our society is attacking vigorously: #1: Men are to take dominion over the earth (Gen. 1:28). This was included in God's first set of commands to Adam and still remains a central imperative for men today. On the contrary, our culture provides little support for men who are serious about exercising dominion over what God has placed under their control, and instead provides many escapes from a man's true obligations.
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Have You Heard of a “Financial Abortion?”

What exactly is a financial abortion? Think about it this way: if a medical abortion is a woman's way to escape the burden of motherhood, then a financial abortion is a man's way to escape the burden of fatherhood. Advocates for financial abortion argue that a father should be able to decide whether or not to assume the legal rights and responsibilities to care for the child he fathered if the woman gives birth. And, if the father decides to decline the opportunity in a timely manner, he is off the hook for paying child support.
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Is Abortion A Choice?

In a recent article, I addressed the claim that abortion gives women the power to avoid a family burden when they don’t want it. I showed the other side of the story that is rarely, if ever, mentioned: accessible abortion strips women of the power to demand family security when they need it. Drawing analysis from a 1994 study co-authored by the current (pro-choice) U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, I explained how an industry based on "choice" doesn't always give that choice to the mother.
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Being Proactive: Abstinence & Marriage

The pro-life movement is rightly focused on preventing abortions. Sometimes this leads us to gloss over root causes. But – what is the driving factor behind a lot of abortions? And is there something we can do to address it? Enter Scott Phelps, the Executive Director of A&M Partnerships. His approach to the pro-life battle is entirely different, borne from a desire to do something to “save the babies,” plus a series of curious events (which in my humble opinion, could be taken as the Lord’s direction).
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Abortion Disempowers Women

Accessible abortion gives women power, or so they say. As they put it, a baby on the way potentially jeopardizes a woman's professional career or even her social life. In short, if women aren't able to decide when to—excuse the euphemism—"terminate their pregnancies," then they are necessarily reduced to second-class citizens who cannot control their future.
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Why Are SO Many People SO Angry?

If there is one emotion that has risen to the surface in recent years in America, it is anger. There is anger on the streets. There is anger online. There is anger wherever we turn. What is the source of it?
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King Manasseh and Mayor Brandon

The Old Testament chapter of 2 Kings 21 is dedicated to the most wicked king of Judah/Israel, who was named Manasseh. His father, Hezekiah, had been one of the greatest and most faithful kings. What a horrible reversal in just one generation... I share this history as a sad illustration and comparison to Mayor Brandon Johnson of Chicago....
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Stepping Up for The Pro-Life Cause

Sometimes you hear of an event, experience a situation, or even meet a person who really convicts you about something, and then you feel you have to tell others about it even though you haven’t mastered it yourself yet. That is just what happened to me in the recent past, so I'm writing this article to myself as much as to you.  
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Mary Miller: Advocate for the Unborn

Children don’t exist in the mind of the radical Left...Every one of these is an example of forcing concepts, causes, and irreversible, life-altering decisions upon minds and bodies that are too young to correctly handle, process, or act on them. But since most of the Left believes children are simply miniature adults, this isn’t a problem for them. As a result of this tragic lie, in our nation, childhood gets shorter and shorter with every passing year, with innocence no longer considered a gift to be protected or a value worth upholding.
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The Issue of Abortion with Scott Klusendorf

Sometimes our pro-life arguments can become overcomplicated by statistics, rabbit-trails, and long rebuttals to straw-man arguments from the other side. We want to defend the pro-life position with everything we can muster, but sometimes it seems like we must have an answer to every argument from a pro-abortionist to properly defend life.
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Womb for Compromise? (Part 1)

Americans are big on choice. We can choose restaurants, automobiles, our clothing, and even where to live. We can make good choices and bad choices. Our prisons are packed with those who’ve chosen the wrong path. Leaders in government often make us wonder, “What were they thinking?” One of the saddest of choices millions of Americans have made is the decision to terminate a human life through abortion. In bizarre fashion, we even call this a “pro-choice” decision. Frightening.
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