Global Sharia and Jihad
Global Sharia and Jihad
Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Brian Muehlenberg

Every day we find the political ideology known as Islam wreaking havoc, chaos and bloodshed worldwide. The biggest threat to freedom and democracy today may well be coming from this archaic religion. Monitoring the various cases of creeping sharia and stealth jihad is now a full-time job.

Let me highlight three of the latest examples from around the globe. In Kenya another Islamist terror attack has taken place, this time with ten dead and many others wounded. The two explosions in Nairobi were not the first such attacks:

It was the deadliest terror attack since the Westgate Shopping Centre raid in September, when terrorists from al-Qaeda’s proxy in Somalia, al-Shabaab, killed 67 people. Friday’s attacks took place almost simultaneously in an area east of Nairobi’s central business district that serves as a major transport interchange for people heading to poorer suburban residential areas. One of the devices was detonated inside a public minibus taxi and the other beneath a clothes stall in the open-air market. “Many of the injured are bleeding profusely, we need a lot of blood,” said Simon Ithae, spokesman for the city’s largest hospital.

So many of these jihadist attacks have taken place of late that one website exists just to document all the carnage. lists all the attacks which have occurred since the 9/11 horror: 22,959 attacks to be exact. Just the past month there have been 203 attacks in 23 countries, with 1571 people killed and 2452 critically wounded.

Another example of Islamic terror also comes from Africa, this time Sudan. It is a horrific but sadly all too common story of a Christian woman being targeted by Muslims for daring to exercise a bit of religious freedom. The shocking story goes like this:

A Sudanese judge sentenced a pregnant Christian woman to hang for apostasy after she refused to convert to Islam, despite appeals by Western embassies for compassion and respect for religious freedom. Born to a Muslim father, the woman was convicted under the Islamic sharia law that has been in force in Sudan since 1983 and outlaws conversions on pain of death.

Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag, 27, is eight months pregnant and married to a Christian national of South Sudan, human rights activists say. South Sudan which separated from Sudan in 2011, “We gave you three days to recant but you insist on not returning to Islam.

I sentence you to be hanged,” Judge Abbas Mohammed Al-Khalifa told the woman, addressing her by her father’s Muslim name, Adraf Al-Hadi Mohammed Abdullah. Khalifa also sentenced Ishag to 100 lashes for “adultery.” Under Sudan’s interpretation of sharia, a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man and any such relationship is regarded as adulterous.

This is terrible, but it happens far too often in the Islamic world. And it is not just in Africa where we find creeping sharia. Consider the nation of France where it seems that Islam is well on the way to taking over the country. Plenty of other problems abound there:

More than 8,000,000 Muslims live in France, most of whom are French citizens, and the Muslim population in France continues to grow. France is now the main Muslim country in Europe. Successive French governments can decide to expel a Muslim preacher or a recruiter of jihadist fighters; they can deny visas, but they seem unable to do more.

Although the French government denies it, it seems clear that substantial ransoms were paid to Islamist groups for the release of French hostages: $28,000,000 to al Qaeda in Niger in October 2013 and $18,000,000 to Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant in Syria, on April 19.

And most folks there are very pessimistic about where this is all heading:

The number of Jews leaving France is steadily increasing. French people who have the financial means also leave the country. Most others expect the worst. Polls show that the French are now the most pessimistic people in Europe. They also show that more than 70% of the French are afraid of the rise of Islam in France: they expect that France will become a country under submission to Islam.

That is certainly a worry. So throughout the world, the fearful imprint of Islam is clearly being felt. Things certainly look rather bleak at the moment. Whether the West has the will to resist is just not at all certain. But it had better decide soon if it wants to continue to exist or not, before it is too late.

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