Catholics Sue Over Health Care Mandate
Catholics Sue Over Health Care Mandate
Written By   |   06.15.12
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In late May more than 40 Catholics organizations and diocese filed suit against the federal government over the national health care mandate. The lawsuit comes just two months before the Affordable Care Act begins its gradual conversion into government provided health care. 

The Catholic News Agency reports 43 plaintiffs, including hospitals, schools, and church agencies plus various dioceses, are part of 12 new lawsuits, joining 11 previously filed lawsuits challenging the contraception mandate.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, said the step was necessary “to protect our religious liberties from unwarranted and unprecedented government intrusion.”

Along with the lawsuits, nearly 150 Christian leaders have demanded a broader religious exemption, while an international Catholic pro-life advocate launched a campaign for one million rosaries against the new Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate.

Father Shenan J. Boquet, president of Human Life International, calls all Catholics to pledge to pray the Rosary daily during the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop’s (USCCB) Fortnight for Freedom, June 21 – July 4.

“The battle lines are drawn, and the arguments are familiar to us now,” said Boquet.  “Although the Catholic Church was intentionally selected as the enemy in a false ‘war on women,’ all faithful Christians now recognize that the threat is really not only against Catholics, but against all people of faith, and our most fundamental freedoms. The First Amendment, which states, in part, that ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof’ is itself under attack.”

Plaintiffs included in the suits are the University of Notre Dame and the Catholic University of America, as well as the Archdioceses of New York, Washington, Dallas, St. Louis and Pittsburgh.  Other small entities have also joined the lawsuit.

“We can win this battle! And a win here will send a message to the world — this is really a fight for all of us who have the right not only to worship, but to be free to live our faith consistently in our workplaces and in the public square, without compromise,” said Boquet.

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