White Ribbon Against Pornography Week Starts This Sunday
White Ribbon Against Pornography Week Starts This Sunday
Reading Time: < 1 minute

From Morality in the Media

How it started: It was just one woman in Pennsylvania with an idea, and now 26 years later thousands are still participating. 

The White Ribbon Against Pornography (WRAP) Campaign began with one woman in Butler, PA in 1987. Norma Norris heard a sermon against pornography delivered by the pastor of her Catholic parish. Msgr. Francis Glenn lamented that local prosecutors and law enforcement had been deluded into thinking that people didn’t care about the hardcore porn being sold in her community.

Norma looked at the full pews in the church and said, “That can’t be; we’re here and we care!” Norma then gave herself the challenge to inspire her community and to send out the message: WE CARE! WE COUNT! Norma thought the plan had to be simple, inexpensive, and something to catch the imagination. Soon after, the idea of a simple white ribbon as a symbol of decency came to her, and a movement was born.

What can you do during White Ribbon Week?

  1. Take steps to protect yourself and your family from pornography.
  2. Wear a “White Ribbon” throughout the week and discuss the harms when someone asks you why you have it on. (OR JUST BRING IT UP WITHOUT THE RIBBON!)
  3. Share facts on your social networks. Find avatars and hundreds of prepared posts here.
  4. Find free graphics, posters, presentations from our organization and others here on Google Drive. Share with your friends and family. Invite people over to discuss the issue and ways to protect your community.

For more information on White Ribbon Week, CLICK HERE.

For resources on the harms of pornography, CLICK HERE.

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