Even Libraries Aren’t Safe
Even Libraries Aren’t Safe
Reading Time: < 1 minute

by Morality in Media

Pornography is the last thing you would expect to find at a public library. But, in NYC you will. Library officials claim that they “err on the side of free and open access” when it comes to pornography because they THINK it is protected by the first amendment and recognized as free speech.

This is why our efforts combined are critical. Pornography is not protected speech! This has been upheld many times by the U.S. Supreme Court. (Click here to read more about the laws.) The lack of enforcement by the Department of Justice leaves confusion about the actual laws and gives a green light to pornographers to now even flood our public libraries with their harmful smut.

We’re fighting back and making the truth known. Check out our latest press release detailing the laws that make this illegal – specifically the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) passed in 2000 by U.S. Congress.

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