PODCAST: How to Make Immorality Unjudge-able: Redefine Identity

Sexual libertines long sought to transform cultural disapproval of homoeroticism into approval, and one way they pursued this goal was to co-opt the fight of blacks for racial equality. Hence, sexual libertines pursued the inclusion of homosexuality (and now “gender identity”) in anti-discrimination law. To that end, sexual libertines relentlessly compared those two groups (i.e., blacks and homosexuals) who had been historically mistreated, suggesting without proving that since blacks have been stigmatized and mistreated and homosexuals have been stigmatized and mistreated, the two conditions are ontologically the same and must be thought of and treated in all contexts as identical.

In short, this is what libertines think—or pretend to think—in the service of normalizing sexual deviance:

  • Blacks were stigmatized and mistreated
  • Homosexuals were stigmatized and mistreated.
  • Therefore, skin color and homoeroticism are equivalent.

But if mistreatment of people because of cultural disapproval of their volitional acts renders them the ontological equivalent of blacks, then zoophiliacs, “minor-attracted persons” sibling-lovers, polyamorists, and “sex-workers” (i.e., prostitutes and porn actors/actresses)—all of whom are at times stigmatized or mistreated—are analogous to blacks.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: How to Make Immorality Unjudge-able: Redefine Identity
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