PODCAST: Fetishist Who Pretends to Be Female Arrested for Indecent Exposure

Haven’t leftists sanctimoniously proclaimed that no “trans”-identifying man would ever harm women in women’s private spaces?

Haven’t leftists bristled with faux-umbrage at the suggestion that allowing objectively male persons in women’s private spaces will result in predators pretending to be women to easily access their victims?

Haven’t leftists hurled the epithet “transphobe” at anyone who dared to suggest that female-identifying men and teenage boys should never have access to female private spaces?

Well, here’s yet another story of a creepy man getting his sick jollies with a little help from “progressive” friends who hate women and children but pretend they love them.

In June 2021, with his penis and testicles fully exposed, middle-aged man, Darren Merager, sashayed through a women’s locker room in the Wi Spa in Los Angeles, California in which young girls were present. According to Merager in a recent interview with Los Angeles Magazine, he remained at the spa for eleven more hours.

Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Fetishist Who Pretends to Be Female Arrested for Indecent Exposure
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