PODCAST: District 211 Female Impersonator Allegedly Steals from His Non-Profit

Well, well, well, a recent news story pokes a hole in the leftist media portrayal of crossdressers as paragons of virtue and mental health who must never be criticized.

The story emerges from Chicago where LaSaia Wade, a crossdressing man who spends his days trying to normalize sexual deviance, has been fired from Brave Space Alliance, the “LGBTQ” center he founded and which, according to The Blaze, reportedly “grew during the pandemic into a multimillion-dollar operation.” Mr. Wade has allegedly been “diverting the organization’s funds to ‘unknown’ bank accounts.”

Biological male, “LaSaia” Wade

IFI readers, particularly those who live in Township High School District 211, may be familiar with Wade who in 2017 colluded with current school board member, the presumptuous Kim Cavill (who hosts inappropriate sex podcasts for minors with titles like “All About Anal” and “Let’s Talk About Porn”), to thwart the election of three outstanding school board members.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: District 211 Female Impersonator Allegedly Steals from His Non-Profit
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