Yet another study is showing that the traditional family within the confines of a committed marriage is best for children and for society.
The study conducted by the American Enterprise Institute suggests that a couple who marries, stays married, and has children is providing a special blessing to those children. “One big reason ordinary families are struggling is that fewer families are headed by married parents,” says the study in commenting on just one of six reasons intact families have an effect on “the American dream.”
Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse, author of Children at Risk and Marriage Matters, has taken a close look at the research.
“This study from American Enterprise Institute adds to the accumulation of 40 years of data that the children of parents who are married are wealthier, they end up better educated, and they’re better able to hold a job,” she comments. “And this is just wonderful news because this is a problem that is costing not just individuals but the whole country.”
The bottom line, according to the AEI study, is that all Americans – whether conservative or liberal – “should be concerned about the health of the American family.”
Crouse points out that for a long time Christians have been saying that family structure – biblical marriage – is the key. Society, she says, has paid a price in steering away from that.
“You look at all the other types of families and those kids face very definite risks for early pregnancy, experimenting with alcohol and drugs,” she laments. “They are far greater at risk in terms of truancy and dropping out of school and so many of the problems that no parent wants to see their children get involved in.”
And she stresses that there’s no question that a person’s faith adds a needed dimension to families – i.e., a commitment to one another – and helps to provide a spiritual foundation for solidifying the marriage and the children’s future.
This article was originally posted at the OneNewsNow.com website.