Legalizing Marijuana: A Perspective from the Homeless [VIDEO]
Legalizing Marijuana: A Perspective from the Homeless [VIDEO]
Written By Monte Larrick   |   12.16.14
Reading Time: < 1 minute

As the president of one of the largest homeless shelters in Chicago, Pastor Phil Kwiatkowski of the Pacific Garden Mission sees the effects of drug addiction everyday and questions the recent legislative push to legalize the “gateway drug,” marijuana. IFI’s Monte Larrick also spoke with two recovering drug addicts who share there experiences with marijuana and the devastating consequences it has had on there lives. Watch the video below:

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Monte Larrick
Larrick, an award winning broadcast journalist, retired from Moody Broadcasting in Chicago after more than 30 years of service. In 2014, he joined the IFI team to use his news...
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