Kelly Cassidy’s Bill for Marriage Chaos in Illinois
Kelly Cassidy’s Bill for Marriage Chaos in Illinois
Written By David Curtin   |   02.13.23
Reading Time: 3 minutes

With the beginning of a new Illinois General Assembly, it is imperative that each of us reach out to our state lawmakers to let them know that we are paying attention to their votes and actions.

Illinois State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) has introduced HB 1591 in an attempt to make Illinois a destination for same-sex couples to get a government “marriage” certificate. She and her like-minded friends are fearful that the U.S. Supreme Court may overturn the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision which struck down state bans on same-sex “marriage.” In that case, many states could opt to ban same-sex “marriage” in their state.

HB 1591 will repeal three specific statutes in Illinois’ Marriage Law. These sections are the obstacles for same-sex couples residing in another state who want to marry and then go back to their state with a valid “marriage” license.

The reason Rep. Cassidy wants to repeal 750 ILCS 5/217 is because if a gay couple wants to get “married” here but live in another state that no longer recognizes same-sex “marriage,” their “marriage” would be null and void.

The reason Rep. Cassidy wants to repeal 750 ILCS 5/218 is because currently a judge or pastor has to ask the gay couple residing in another state to provide papers that their state does not ban same-sex marriage.

The reason Rep. Cassidy wants to repeal 750 ILCS 5/219 is because if a judge or pastor marries a same-sex couple knowing they are not supposed to be marrying them, liability for the judge or pastor exists. The repeal of Sec. 219 removes liability for a judge or pastor.

PROBLEM: Rep. Cassidy wants to make Illinois legal for ANY kind of marriage performed in Illinois as long as they live in another state. This bill would allow any and all marriage arrangements not specifically prohibited in our statute.

Secondly, an attorney might also argue that since these laws were repealed, then a brother and sister from Arkansas wanting to marry here would be able to do so even if it is specifically prohibited in Illinois. That is, the attorney would argue that this “brother-sister” Illinois prohibition only applies to Illinois citizens, not those from other states, because Sec 217, 218, and 219 were repealed.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to fill out witness slips online to oppose HB 1591. The Illinois House Judiciary-Civil Committee is set to vote on this bill on Wednesday during their meeting which begins at 9AM.

-Fill out your name, address, email and phone number. Leave everything else blank or put self.
-Highlight “Opponent” and “Record of Appearance Only.”
-Check Terms of Agreement and click Create Slip.

More ACTION:  Click HERE to email your state lawmakers today, urging them to uphold natural marriage and not to cave to the culturally destructive groups that are intent on altering society’s definition and understanding of marriage. Tell them you support God’s definition of marriage, which also happens to be the best for children, families and society. Let them know that with all of the problems we face as a state and nation, the General Assembly should not be harming the institution most essential to the social and economic well-being of society.

Tell them that it is unconscionable to be complicit in the destruction of marriage and family in Illinois. They must hear from us!

Please also pray that God would give wisdom to our state lawmakers. Pray that God would give courage to our lawmakers to do the right thing in the face of tremendous pressure to do otherwise.

David Curtin
David Curtin is a longtime pro-life advocate, political consultant and recently became the IFI lobbyist. Originally from Stonington and a graduate of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, he lives and works in Springfield....
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