Court Grants Thomas More Society’s Motion to Intervene in Gay Marriage Lawsuits
Court Grants Thomas More Society’s Motion to Intervene in Gay Marriage Lawsuits
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Today, Cook County Circuit Court  Judge Sophia Hall granted the Thomas More Society’s motion to intervene on behalf of two downstate county clerks in Illinois’ same-sex marriage case brought by the ACLU of Illinois and Lambda Legal. The motion was not opposed by the other parties in the case.

The clerks have filed a motion to dismiss the complaints brought by the ACLU of Illinois and Lambda Legal, which will now be briefed. The parties have until August 20 to file their response, and the Thomas More Society has until September 19 to reply. Oral argument on the motion to dismiss will be held on September 27, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. before Judge Sophia Hall in courtroom 2301.

 The Agreed Order can be found at this link

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