Two Important Life Affirming Events in 2015
Two Important Life Affirming Events in 2015
Written By Andrew Willis   |   12.22.14
Reading Time: 2 minutes

This upcoming January will mark the 42nd anniversary of the fateful Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion throughout the United States. To help continue the fight for the unborn, the Illinois Family Institute is proud to sponsor two fantastic pro-life events this upcoming month.

March For Life Chicago


The Chicago March for Life is an annual public event composed of people of diverse ethnic, social, and religious backgrounds dedicated to defending and protecting the gift of every human life. For flyer, CLICK HERE

In January 2014, 2,000 pro-lifers took over the streets of downtown Chicago to stand for life in the largest Chicago March for Life ever.

Marching on the streets and right in front of major media, such as the Chicago Tribune, WGN TV, and ABC7 TV, the Chicago March for Life spread the message of life to over HALF A MILLION people! 

On Sunday, January 18th from 2-4pm, we will march again starting in the downtown Federal Plaza.

Speakers will include Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Abby Johnson, Pastor Mark Jobe, Bishop Blase Cupich, Pat McCaskey, Congressmen Dan Lipinski and Peter Roskam, and MORE!

We’re here to show that one of the most pro-abortion cities in the country can lead one of the most successful, fun and loving marches to defend pre-born children and their mothers.

Remember Illinois’ politicians are watching us. We need your help to show them how strong the Illinois pro-life movement is!

For more information, CLICK HERE.

SpeakOut Illinois


You will not want to miss the largest pro-life conference in the state. SpeakOut Illinois will be held on Saturday, January 31 at the Crowne Plaza O’Hare Hotel in Rosemont.

This year’s keynote speaker will be renowned scholar and defender of religious liberty, Professor Robert George of Princeton University.

Come hear Professor George as speaks on the neccessity of the pro-life cause to the health of the nation. There will also be numerous breakout sessions on a host of pro-life topics.

For more information and to register, visit or call (847) 223-7022.

Andrew Willis
Andrew is a Chicago-based attorney, working in corporate and wealth-planning matters. He graduated with honors from the Chicago-Kent College of Law where he was here he served as an Executive...
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