IFI Statement on Murder of Dr. George Tiller
Written By David E. Smith   |   05.31.09
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Illinois Family Institute denounces the murder of George Tiller as an act of cowardice. The person or persons involved in the seemingly premeditated vigilante killing should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 

The murder of Dr. Tiller betrays not only the Biblical principle to value all human life but also the true purpose and intent of the vast majority of Americans who seek to end the destruction of unborn human life. Pro-life advocates seek to protect all human life because we believe that every human being is created in the image of God. The sanctity of human life must be protected, but only through vigorous, legal efforts in state houses and court rooms. 

We call on all Americans to pray for the Tiller family and for all those who are affected by the tragedy of abortion.

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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