Don’t Talk to Me About Compassion…
Don’t Talk to Me About Compassion…
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Written by Abigal Ruth

Pro-abortion lawmakers hear me now. Don’t talk to me about compassionnot anymore. I don’t want to hear about families being separated at the borders, LGBT suicide rates, the plight of the homeless or polar bears on melting ice flows—not anymorenot from you. Your compassion is phony, you who champion the dismemberment of living babies in the womb.

Pro-abortion lawmakers hear me now. Don’t talk to me about civil rights—not anymore. I don’t want to hear about institutionalized racism, reparations, social justice or white privilege. I will shut my ears to your whining about “discrimination.” Your concern for civil rights is phony—you who support abortion slaughterhouses strategically placed in low income minority neighborhoods.

Pro-abortion lawmakers hear me now. Don’t talk to me about justicenot anymore.  It has not escaped my notice that there are no votes to be had from the unborn. Your passion for justice is phonyyou who support the slaughter of the only people in America who are truly voiceless and powerless.

Pro-abortion lawmakers hear me now. Don’t talk to me about greednot anymore. Your contempt for greed is phonyyou who fill your campaign coffers with blood money from the Planned Parenthood Corporation and have no use for human beings who are unable to add to your war chests.

Pro-abortion lawmakers hear me now. Don’t talk to me about inequalitynot anymore. Your concern for inequality is phony when a third of all black babies never make it out of the womb and you advocate treating living human beings like property.

Pro-abortion lawmakers hear me now. I won’t be lectured, not by you or anyone else who supports elective abortion; not anymore. I’m done. As long as you continue to support this blatant barbaric injustice I can’t take you seriously.  Your moral superiority is phony. You lack the moral credibility to lecture anyone about anything.

Pro-abortion lawmakers hear me now. I have four words for you from the 23rd chapter of Matthew.  Make of them what you will:

Woe to you, hypocrites.

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