Chattanooga-like Attack Can Happen Anywhere
Chattanooga-like Attack Can Happen Anywhere
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Written by Chad Groening

“We need to give serious consideration as to how better protect our people even here at home,” observes Bob Maginnis, a senior fellow for national security at the Family Research Council.

Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez fired into a U.S. Marine recruiting office on July 16, sparing the lives of the unarmed service members. Across town, however, he shot and killed four service members outside a U.S. Navy support facility. A fifth died hours later.

Maginnis, BobMaginnis says there could be many more radicalized Muslims in virtually every American community.

“According to surveys of Muslims in the United States,” Maginnis says, “if one million Muslims believe in the use of violence, every community is going to have some.”

A female office worker was beheaded by a Muslim co-worker last August in Oklahoma. He stabbed a second woman before the company’s CEO shot Alton Nolen and stopped the attack.

That attack and many others have been recorded since 2001 by terrorism expert Pamela Gellar, who is herself a target of Muslim jihadists.

There have been other attacks on military personnel, too. The most infamous was in 2009 at Ft. Hood in Texas, where U.S. Army psychiatrist Nidal Hassan shot and killed 13 people and wounded 30 more – none of them armed.

crescent and starMuch like the Chattanooga shooting, a Muslim shot at U.S. Army soldiers who were standing in front of their Little Rock recruiting pffoce in 2009. One soldier was killed and another wounded.

The office used by the U.S. Marines in Chattanooga displayed a “gun-free zone” sticker on the front window.

At such military facilities, says Maginnis, the Pentagon should allow some individuals to be armed and ready to defend themselves against an attack.

Instead of arming themselves, however, military recruiters were advised in recent days to close the blinds andstay in civilian clothes while on the job.

At his nomination hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday, U.S. Army General Mark Milley, slated to be the next Army Chief of Staff, said it might be appropriate, in some cases, to arm service members at recruiting stations.

This article was originally posted at the website.

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