UPDATE:  Counseling Bill Puts State Between A Patient and Therapist
UPDATE: Counseling Bill Puts State Between A Patient and Therapist
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For decades, liberals have been arguing that the government should never come between a woman and her doctor. But a bill before the Illinois House sponsored by Democrat State Representatives Kelly CassidyNaomi JakobssonGreg HarrisAnn Williams and Sara Feigenholtz would put the state right in middle of the relationship between a patient and his or her counselor.

HB 5569 , which provides that no mental health provider be legally allowed to engage in certain types of counseling with minors dealing with sexual identification issues, passed the Human Services Committee Wednesday morning by a vote of 9 to 6, and was placed on second order for discussion on the Illinois House floor.

“This bill is a government intrusion into the counseling room by those who have no business there. Where, with whom, and why a person seeks counseling is a private and personal matter,” wrote Illinois Family Institute executive director David E. Smith on his Facebook page after the bill passed committee.

“The manner of counseling is a decision between the client and provider. No government official has any business whatsoever telling someone what type of counseling to seek,” he said.

Take ACTION:  Contact your state representative to ask him/her to reject HB 5569 or any other legislative attempt to ban support and help to those young people dealing with unwanted same-sex attraction.  The Capitol switchboard number is (217) 782-2000.

To read more about this troubling legislation, please click HERE.

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