Lesbian Activist State Rep. to Propose Resolution & DOJ Wants More “LGBT” Teachers
Lesbian Activist State Rep. to Propose Resolution & DOJ Wants More “LGBT” Teachers
Written By Laurie Higgins   |   04.06.13
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Don’t tell me the sexual predilections of our lawmakers are irrelevant. Lesbian activist and State Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), perfervid promoter of all things homosexual, will be introducing a homosexuality-affirming Day of Silence resolution next week.  Rep. Cassidy in cahoots with the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) is attempting to use the government to affirm “progressive” assumptions about homosexuality and to exploit instructional time in public schools to advance these beliefs.

Here’s the “Policy Alert” GLSEN just sent out asking Illinoisans to urge their lawmakers to co-sponsor and vote for this resolution:

GLSEN is proud to announce that for the first time ever, state legislators are taking part in the Day of Silence! Representative Kelly Cassidy (IL-14) of Chicago will introduce a Day of Silence resolution in Illinois!

Despite potential opposition, Rep. Cassidy needs your support to get it passed! With the deadline approaching quickly, we need your help today! Show your state legislator that this is an issue which urgently deserves their attention.  

Urge your state representative to support the Day of Silence Resolution in Illinois. Sign-on requests need to be submitted by April 11 at 5:00 PM! 

If this partisan resolution that Rep. Cassidy is wasting lawmakers’ time with should pass, will our lawmakers spend their work days refusing to speak? (In the case of some, that may be a good thing.)

This proposal is a cunning strategic machination. The Left uses efforts like this to play “gotcha” with cowardly lawmakers and the too-gullible public. If someone refuses to support it, the Left screeches, “Aha, Lawmaker X supports bullying!” Of course, rational people know full well that opposing the Day of Silence does not constitute endorsement of bullying. This ugly ad hominem ploy of the Left works only if we let ourselves be bullied into complicity.

Take Action:  Please click HERE to contact your lawmaker and urge him/her to oppose GLSEN and Cassidy’s attempt to impose their particular moral and philosophical beliefs on all of Illinois.



Galling Justice Department Initiative

department-of-justice-logo1The Justice Department has implemented a de facto affirmative action program for the recruitment and training of homosexual and gender-confused, cross-dressing teachers. You heard that right. In the service of “diversity,” the Justice Department is imposing on the nation “progressive” and pernicious views of what our children need in order to learn effectively. And what do they need? More men who sexually desire men, more women who sexually desire women, and more men and women who electively amputate healthy body parts and cross-dress. Makes sense to me. 

And all this time, I thought the “social issues” (that is to say, those issues most essential to the health and welfare of society) were supposed to be on the backburner until the economy was fixed. Apparently the all-knowing moderate Republican Poobahs forgot to pass that directive on to Cassidy and the Justice Department.

Parents: Keep your children home from school on the Day of Silence if your administration permits students and/or teachers to refuse to speak during class.

Click HERE to learn more about the Day of Silence Walkout.

Click HERE to support the work and ministry of Illinois Family Institute.

Laurie Higgins
Laurie Higgins was the Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Affairs Writer in the fall of 2008 through early 2023. Prior to working for the IFI, Laurie worked full-time for eight years...
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