Video Slot Machines for Tinley Park?
Video Slot Machines for Tinley Park?
Written By David E. Smith   |   01.06.14
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Please take a few minutes today to act on this important issue!
According to a recent article in the Southtown Star newspaper, elected officials in the Village of Tinley Park are planning to pass an ordinance to allow video gambling machines within city limits. The vote may come as early as the next village board meeting on January 7, 2014.
The social costs to the community are enormous. Gambling can lead to debt, depression, foreclosure, suicide, bankruptcy and divorce. Stories abound of gamblers leaving minor children unattended at casinos, and senior citizens and adolescents can be particularly susceptible to gambling problems. It is difficult to calibrate the serious negative impact on children touched by gambling (directly or indirectly) who should instead be taught personal responsibility, financial accountability and moral values.
Further, gambling operations attract corruption, money laundering, loansharking and other criminal activities.  It is not good for Tinley Park, or any other community.
Take ACTION: Click HERE to email Mayor Edward Zabrocki and the Village Board of  Trustees to encourage them to vote down any proposal that would bring slot machines into this family-friendly community.  Then call the village officials listed below at (708) 444-5000.
Tinley Park Village Officials:

Mayor Edward Zabrocki 

Trustee David G. Seaman

Trustee Gregory J. Hannon

Trustee Brian S. Maher

Trustee Thomas J. Staunton Jr.

Trustee Patricia A. Leoni  

Trustee T.J. Grady


In 2009, the Illinois General Assembly passed and Governor Quinn signed into law, a bill allowing liquor-serving establishments to have up to 5 video gambling machines. The law allows for cities and counties to pass ordinances banning these. Over 60 communities and counties have passed bans, thereby preventing local family restaurants, corner taverns, VFW’s and bowling alleys from turning into mini-casinos. Video gambling is rightly called the “crack cocaine” of gambling. There’s no skill required, and studies have found that it takes approximately one year to become severely addicted, versus 4 years of other forms of gambling. 

The State of Illinois has a serious revenue shortfall which politicians think they can fix by expanding gambling, but in order for the State to profit, it needs to create thousands of losers. This is not good public policy.  With the potential to increase gambling addictions which lead to bankruptcy, divorce and even suicide, state lawmakers and the governor have done Illinois residents a great disservice.

Click HERE for additional information on the harms of gambling. 

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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