Still Time to Defund ObamaCare
Still Time to Defund ObamaCare
Written By Tim Wildmon   |   09.16.13
Reading Time: 2 minutes

U.S. Representative Tom Graves (R-Georgia) has authored a Continuing Resolution, the Security, Stability, and Fairness Resolution (H.J.RES. 62), that will defund ObamaCare in its entirety for the coming fiscal year. His bill will fund the rest of government with the sole exception of ObamaCare.

This means that if there is a shutdown of government, it will be done by those who want to continue to fund ObamaCare.

Congress must pass a Continuing Resolution (CR) by September 30 to avoid a government shutdown. The House may vote AS SOON AS TOMORROW on whether to continue funding for ObamaCare or cut it off.

This law is so bad that congressional staff have exempted themselves from it.

This is the best chance we may ever have to defund the gargantuan and hopelessly misguided piece of legislation that is ObamaCare.

Take ACTION:  Click HERE to send a message to your U.S. Representative him/her to support the effort to defund Obamacare.  You can also call the U.S. Capitol Hill switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your congressman by name. Urge him/her to co-sponsor H.J.RES. 62, a CR that does not contain a single penny of funding for ObamaCare.

Remember that according to the Constitution all appropriations bills must start in the U.S. House. This means that the House can stop ObamaCare in its tracks this week. No money, no ObamaCare.


  • Is so bad that congressional staff have exempted themselves from it
  • Violates freedom of religion and conscience by requiring Christian businesses to pay for abortifacients
  • Will send your tax dollars to health care providers who perform abortions
  • Is the leading job-killer in America, as companies lay off workers because of its mandates and its costs
  • Forces companies to shift workers from fulltime to part-time positions
  • Drives up the cost of health care premiums
  • Reduces the availability and affordability of health care

It is very important that you forward this alert to your friends and family members.

Read more HERE.

Four Important Upcoming Events:

–>  September 21st – Visionary Parenting Conference in Sheridan, IL
(Click HERE for more info)

–> October 1st — Open Debate on Homosexual “Marriage” in Chicago, IL
(Click HERE for more info)

–> October 10th — A&M Partnership’s Banquet with Dr. Erwin Lutzer in Palatine, IL
(Click HERE for more info) 

–> October 23rd — IFI’s Defend Marriage Lobby Day in Springfield, IL
(Click HERE for more info)

Tim Wildmon
Tim Wildmon is president of American Family Association (AFA) and American Family Radio (AFR). AFA is a pro-family advocacy organization with over two million online supporters and approximately 150,000 subscribers...
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