Pro-Life Pastor Scott Turner Nominated to Lead HUD
Pro-Life Pastor Scott Turner Nominated to Lead HUD
Written By David E. Smith   |   01.18.25
Reading Time: 3 minutes

On November 22, 2024, President-elect Donald Trump announced Pastor Scott Turner as his choice for Secretary of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Turner is a former NFL player, Texas state representative, and associate pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas.

According to an article by,

Turner earned a 100% Pro-Life voting record during his tenure as a state representative in the Texas House from 2013 to 2016.

That information is certainly encouraging. Additionally, Turner’s public post on X in response to his nomination gives pro-life Christians great hope:

All the glory to God. I’m blessed with the opportunity to testify in front of the Senate Banking Committee as President Trump’s nominee for Housing and Urban Development. This moment is a testimony to the goodness of God and the American Dream. I look forward to sharing my vision for HUD and answering the senators’ questions.

That U.S. Senate hearing took place on Wednesday, January 15th before the U.S. Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee. The entire two-and-a-half-hour hearing is available to watch at this link on C-SPAN.

The main focus of the hearing was Turner’s plans to expand affordable housing, efforts to make housing accessible for the homeless, and programs for economically distressed communities, known as “opportunity zones.”

Committee members from both parties questioned Turner on his vision for reforming federal-housing policies to increase access to affordable housing, remove burdensome red tape, and put more Americans on the path toward homeownership.

Turner emphasized a policy direction toward deregulation, stating that reducing regulatory burdens on housing development would be a top priority. He spoke about streamlining HUD’s funding and eliminating programs he deemed “ineffective.”

Regarding the homelessness problem, Turner suggested engaging local communities, including faith-based organizations, to combat homelessness effectively. He pointed out in his opening remarks:

HUD’s mission is to create strong and sustainable communities and support quality affordable homes — serving the most vulnerable of our nation. Yet, as we sit here, we have a housing crisis in our country, where American people and families are struggling every day.

HUD is failing at its most basic mission.

Take the Point-In-Time homelessness figures HUD released several weeks ago. On one single night, there were 770,000 Americans experiencing homelessness. Let that sink in: 770,000 homeless Americans. That’s not only an all-time high, it’s an increase of 32 percent from just two years ago. That’s a national embarrassment and something that cannot continue.

He ended his opening statement with an appeal:

If I am confirmed as Secretary, I want to bring this same approach to the work we do at HUD because each day we have an opportunity to improve and better serve the American people.

Senators, this is a clarion call. Poverty has no party. Homelessness has no party. It doesn’t see red or blue. My call is to be a steward, a champion, an ambassador. I want to lift up the stories of all the forgotten Americans. And I want to work with you to do it.

My heart is ready to serve. I thank God for allowing me this opportunity. And I want to thank all of you on the committee for your kindness and consideration.


During Trump’s first tenure as President of the United States, Dr. Ben Carson significantly influenced national housing policy. In fact, in 2020, Trump and Carson co-authored an op/ed published in the Wall Street Journal to decry the “crime and chaos” in big cities and to announce their intentions to “protect America’s suburbs.” The subtitle to this article highlighted their conservative agenda:

We reject the ultraliberal view that the federal bureaucracy should dictate where and how people live.

According to a statement issued by President-elect Donald J. Trump, Pastor Scott Turner

served as the First Executive Director of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council (WHORC), helping to lead an Unprecedented Effort that Transformed our Country’s most distressed communities.

Those efforts, working together with former HUD Secretary, Ben Carson, were maximized by Scott’s guidance in overseeing 16 Federal Agencies which implemented more than 200 policy actions furthering Economic Development. Under Scott’s leadership, Opportunity Zones received over $50 Billion Dollars in Private Investment!

After graduating from University of Illinois, Scott was drafted by the Washington Redskins, and spent nine years in the NFL before he went on to win a State House Race in Texas, where he was born and raised.

The statement ends optimistically:

Scott will work alongside me to Make America Great Again for EVERY American.

Congratulations to Scott, his wonderful wife, Robin, and his son, Solomon!

Please add Pastor Scott Turner to your prayer list of government officials.

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has almost 35 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes countless interviews for numerous radio, television, cable programs and newspaper articles on topics such as the sanctity of life, natural marriage, broadcast decency, sex education, marijuana, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, tax policy, drug decriminalization and pornography. He and his wife of 30 years are blessed to be the parents of eight children, whom they homeschool. They strongly believe that their first duty before God is to disciple their children in...
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