We know you have been reminded multiple times over the past several weeks of the importance of this election and your participation in our government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Thank you for your patience with these repetitive messages. Soon, the opportunity to vote in this election will be gone. The messaging will stop. The decisions will have been made.
At Illinois Family Institute and Illinois Family Action we have done all we can to encourage Christians in the Land of Lincoln to honor God with their vote. On Election Day, all our hard work will be done, and the results will remain in the Father’s hand. We ask Him to bless our state and nation with His boundless mercy yet again. Therefore, we issue this call to prayer to the IFI Prayer Team.
Throughout the next several days and into the evening on November 8th, please pause to pray and, if at all possible, to gather your family together and pray specifically for the election and the points listed above. Our team will be praying as well throughout the day and into the evening.
Please pray for God’s mercy on our state and nation. Pray that God-fearing, pro-life candidates win the day in this important mid-term election. Pray for a wave of righteousness to hit Washington D.C. and Springfield. Pray these things in true faith and in the power of God.
Thank you for standing with us in prayer as Election 2022 draws to a close. May God be honored by our vote and pleased by our earnest and faithful prayers.