Prayer Requests for April 19th
Prayer Requests for April 19th
Written By David E. Smith   |   04.19.17
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dear Praying Friends,

I have a few prayer requests to share with you.  Would you take time today and maybe over the next several days to lift these things up in faith to our Heavenly Father?

  • Today, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on an important case on religious liberty.  Pray that the Justices will be wise and discerning in making a decision.  Pray for Neil Gorsuch as he adjusts to his new position on the Court.
  • Illinois state lawmakers are holding a subject matter hearing on legalizing recreational marijuana.  The consequences of this foolish policy would be far-reaching and disastrous.  Pray that the media would cover this issue fairly and allow dissenting voices to be heard.  Pray for us as we try to disburse the truth about marijuana, addictions and intoxication to the Christian community and to the voters of Illinois. Pray that our communications on these matters would not be shut down and that they would be far-reaching.
  • Next week, IFI will be hosting Dr. Calvin Beisner and a forum on Climate Change and Christians.  We will be in Rockford, Arlington Heights, Orland Park and Peoria.  We know that protests and possible disruptions are planned for the Rockford event.  Please pray for God’s hand of protection and that any disruptions will not inhibit a biblical worldview being taught.
  • In May, we plan to bring in an expert from Colorado to talk to our state lawmakers in Springfield about the negative consequences of marijuana legalization.  Please pray that we are able to secure a committee room (approved by the House) and that the right lawmakers will be in attendance.
  • Lastly, we have a number of great events planned to commemorate IFI’s 25th Anniversary.  Please pray that God uses these events to equip and encourage Christians and the spirit of apathy and cowardice would be demolished.

Thank you so very much for your willingness to partner with us in prayer!


David E. Smith

“Our great honor lies in being just what Jesus was and is. To be accepted by those who accept Him, rejected by all who reject Him, loved by those who love Him. What greater glory could come to any man?” ~A.W. Tozer

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes countless interviews for numerous radio, television, cable programs and newspaper articles on topics such as the sanctity of life, natural marriage, broadcast decency, sex education, marijuana, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, tax policy, drug decriminalization and pornography. He and his wife of 29 years are blessed to be the parents of eight children. They strongly believe that their first duty before God is to disciple their children in the Christian faith, and...
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