All Articles : Page 84
Leftists Socially Constructing a Pagan World
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.01.22
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) under Biden’s incompetent rule has decided that in order for schools to access federal money to provide lunch to needy children, schools will have to sexually integrate bathrooms and locker rooms. The USDA...
Salvation in Simple Terms From the Perspective of the Grave
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   05.31.22
Any time we stand next to the casket of a loved one we may find ourselves asking why death exists in the first place.  Even those of us who know that God is love and reigns supreme see death as a very dark experience.  Could He not have devised an easier way for us to depart this life into eternity?  Must there be such pain?  I am quite sure that God, in His sovereignty, could have done things differently, but He chose not to.  Officiating at the funeral of a good friend recently reminded me of the suffering surrounding death.  But the passage to our eternal state is difficult for a reason and I would like to address some reasons for that suffering. 
Guns Are Not Root Cause of Mass Killings
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.28.22
On May 24, 2022, Salvadore Ramos tore families, a community, and the nation apart when he slaughtered 19 children and two teachers after shooting his grandmother in the face in Uvalde, Texas. Like so many other mass killers and other violent criminals, Salvadore came from a broken, dysfunctional family. His father, who didn’t see his son often and lives with a woman to whom he is not married, “has a lengthy criminal record which includes at least one conviction for assault and causing bodily injury to a family member.”
Our Border Crisis
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   05.27.22
Biden’s border crisis is dangerous enough already, and it may soon get worse. But his Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandra Mayorkas, paints a rosier picture, “We are preparing for the end of Title 42….We continue to enforce the laws of this country.”
Not Wanting to Speak of Gender Confusion
By Micah Clark   |   05.27.22
Summit Ministries, in partnership with McLaughlin and Associates—one of America’s most respected polling survey firms—released the results of a recent national survey regarding sexuality. Results were from a survey of 1,000 likely general election voters nationwide and was conducted April 22nd through April 26th. Unsurprisingly, a majority of respondents believe transgenderism is not a healthy human condition and oppose teaching sexual based curriculum in elementary schools.
The Great Reset is a Sneaky Cultural Revolution
By Oliver Perry   |   05.25.22
What is this Great Reset? We’ll find that it’s yet another attempt to establish socialism. In this scheme businesses will be persuaded to voluntarily accept government control. We’d silently shift into accepting a socialist economy, along with the rest of its agenda, without even realizing it.
How Compromised Preaching Is Contributing to Our Cultural Rot
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   05.24.22
For many years, I have stated that a major reason America is so messed up is that much of the American Church is also messed up. And a major reason that so much of the American Church is messed up is that so many Christian leaders are also messed up. The domino effect is quite real.
Dissecting The Left’s Panic Over the U.S. Supreme Court’s Look at Roe
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   05.23.22
One can only consider it shocking that the first-time ever pre-release leaked opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices was instantly overshadowed by hysterical hatred directed toward the Court, and a fevered, shrill demand to keep abortion legal for any reason throughout a woman’s pregnancy.  Anyone with any regard for life, and especially the lives of helpless and innocent babies, can only be appalled by the calloused demands from the Left that the Nation MUST permit the destruction of these little ones with no questions and no limits. Their death-dealing fanaticism is breath-taking!
Dr. Rob Rienow: The Sufficiency of Scripture
By   |   05.21.22
Many people question if the Bible is truly sufficient for all things, especially in our modern world that repeatedly throws new innovations, ideas, and beliefs at us. While many people have set the Bible to the side, claiming it’s “irrelevant”...
Colorado School Employees Conspire to Change a Conservative Community
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.20.22
In May of 2021, Wellington, Colorado art and homeroom teacher Jenna Riep invited a 12-year-old girl who was new to the school to attend an afterschool art club. The girl asked for and was given permission to attend the club from her mother. But the artful dodger Jenna Riep had misrepresented the afterschool club meeting. In other words, Riep had lied to the student. It was not an afterschool art club, and the meeting had nothing to do with art. It was a meeting of the school’s “Genders and Sexuality Alliances” (GSA) club, and the guest speaker was lesbian Kimberly Chambers, who identifies as an “educator, activist, and queer woman.”
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