All Articles : Page 7
Shall We Legalize Prostitution in Illinois?
By Thomas Hampson   |   06.04.24
Why would Equality Illinois, a non-profit organization established to promote the civil rights of LGBTQ individuals, be involved in promoting the decriminalization of “sex work”. . . in other words, stop enforcing laws against prostitution? How does this help those who consider themselves LGBTQ?
SkyTree Book Fairs: A Pro-Family Replacement to Scholastic
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   06.03.24
I remember clearly the highlight Scholastic Book Fairs were during the school year when I was growing up. I personally loved being able to get out of class early to go peruse the books at the fair. I even convinced my mom to buy me a few. Sadly, Scholastic turned down the path of radical ideology a while ago, and these days, they continue pushing anti-family, anti-God messaging.
Fauci Lied and People Died
By Mae Arthur   |   06.01.24
Not to bring up a sore subject, but think back to April and May of 2020. Do you remember how you felt, watching the nation and the world react to an unknown menace, suddenly ordered to isolate in place and unsure when, if ever, things would go back to normal? That spring began a string of “unprecedented” events that continues even today, with possible consequences reaching into the future, if the WHO has its way.
The Incredible Shrinking Me
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   05.31.24
We are all infected from birth with an insatiable desire to be somebody. Even shyness is but an ironic twist on that desire. The Scriptures call it “the pride of life,” and names it as one of three categories under which all sins fall. Our hunger to be recognized or known colors everything we do.
Brave Detransitioner Sues Her Doctors
By David E. Smith   |   05.31.24
Prisha Mosley, a 25 year old young woman, is suing a team of doctors and medical professionals for allegedly pushing her into gender transition procedures when she was just a teenager. The lawsuit claims that these medical professionals convinced Prisha that transitioning would solve her mental health issues.
Silence Equals Consent – The Sin of Omission
By David E. Smith   |   05.30.24
In a recent episode of Alex Newman’s hit TV show, The Sentinel Report, Bill Federer, a historian who, Newman says, is probably the greatest of our time, explained the point of his latest book, Silence Equals Consent – The Sin of Omission.
What Once Was Can Be Again: Christian Education and the Reformation
We are now in mid-2017, the 500th anniversary of the epochal and world-changing Reformation. By revisiting the teaching of that era, we can gain a renewed hope for the modern evangelical Church, the rightful heir to that rich theology and history.
The Crisis That Isn’t, Part 1
By Ecce Verum   |   05.29.24
Several years ago, I made a trip to a popular museum in the Seattle area and toured the various exhibits on display. An exhibit that particularly caught my eye was a kind of vertical conveyor belt on which visitors could post little notes which others could then scroll through and examine. Visitors were instructed to write down their opinion of what the biggest problem in the world was.
The Good News: Conservative Companies Still Exist
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   05.28.24
On April 1, 2023 (making many wonder if it was an April Fool’s joke), popular transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney shared a sponsored post in partnership with Bud Light with nods to March Madness and his continuing personal documentary, “365 Days of Girlhood.” In June of 2023, Target released its highly controversial Pride merchandise line, including “tuck-friendly” swimsuits for transgender “women” (biological men).
Patriots Underground
Memorial Day arrives May 27th. Once again, we must suffer the unintentional wince-inducing greeting from many who will utter, “Happy Memorial Day.” Not appropriate. 
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