All Articles : Page 7
Silver Splitters
On Wednesday, January 15th, my wife and I are hoping to celebrate our 48th wedding anniversary. We’re grateful our partnership has come this far! Especially in the season of life when we hear about what is termed “gray divorce.” Another unflattering way to describe these late-in-life divorcees is "silver splitters.”
Take Action: Abortion Survivors Protection Act
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   01.13.25
The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 26), a bill that would require a baby who is born after a failed abortion to receive medical care and attention, will be up for a vote in the United States Senate.
Reading the Bible is an Indispensable Aspect of Being a Christian
By David E. Smith   |   01.11.25
According to a 2021 Statista report, only 11 percent percentage of Americans read the Bible daily, while 50 percent read it on their own at least three or four times a year. We need to do better...
On the California Fires
By Bill Muehlenberg   |   01.11.25
With a number of people dead and thousands of homes and businesses destroyed, the massive fires fueled by strong winds in Los Angeles have been utterly devastating. Prayers for all those involved are desperately needed. But the sad truth is this: California leaders and authorities were clearly quite unprepared for these fires, and much of the blame must lie with them.
Addicted to Losing Money
By Ecce Verum   |   01.10.25
I still remember a particular airline flight I took in high school. I was heading out of Colorado after an academic event, dutifully reading a literature assignment to make the most of the travel time. Part-way through the trip, however, I put a bookmark in my volume and got into conversation with a lady sitting in my row.
Legislation to Protect Women and Girls in Sports is Here!
By David E. Smith   |   01.09.25
Women's sports are under attack by left-wing fanatics who's ultimate goal is the eradication of any and all distinctions between male and female. Our daughters, granddaughters, and nieces work hard to become competitive athletes - they shouldn't have to worry about unfair contests from confused biological men.
Pray for Government Officials – 1 Timothy 2
By David E. Smith   |   01.07.25
We realize that 2025 will be an important year for our state and nation. New challenges and opportunities await us. As always, IFI will be advocating for pro-family policies that uphold the sanctity of human life, parental rights, religious freedom, education choice - while at the same time - exposing and opposing the agendas that sabotage our families, corrupt our thinking and divide our communities. Please stand with us.
No More “Election Week,” Please
By Ecce Verum   |   01.07.25
The last election cycle may be shrinking in the rearview mirror, but briefly flash back with me to the sights, sounds, and smells of it all. You probably had at least someone remind you to "vote early," right? But did anyone ever mention "voting late?" Well, there's a legal battle going on right now about a loophole in Illinois law that allows ballots to be received up to two weeks after election day.
Riley Gaines Interview with Detransitioner Shows Spiritual Darkness of Trans Battle
By Kenna Rose   |   01.06.25
We know why transgenderism is morally wrong. We know how it physically and mentally scars those who fall into its trap. However, most of us don’t know how deep and dark the physical and mental trauma surrounding transgenderism is.
A New Year Bringing Hope and New Mercies
By Richard M. Hartian   |   01.04.25
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? For me, it is a time of “new beginnings.” My wife and kids all know this about me; I analyze the past year, write or think out both the good and bad, and plan for the next 12 months. I try to be realistic in my assessments. I set goals and perhaps most important of all, I get a feeling of hopefulness.
IFI Featured Video
Dr Stephen Smart on pro suicide legislation. State Lawmakers are Considering The End-of-life Options Act. This Legislation Puts Your Life at Risk. Please Watch This Video and Call Your State Lawmakers. Tell Them to Vote no on the “End-of-life Options Act” For Lawmaker Names And Phone-numbers go to Officials Finder
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