All Articles : Page 56
An Open Letter to Millennials and Generation Xers
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   03.31.23
Dear Millennials and Generation Xers:

I understand that you believe you are getting a bad rap from us Baby Boomers. That we portray you as naïve, whining a lot, and doing little. It is true that no generalization applies to everyone, and there are undoubtedly many young Americans who are outstanding... But, I would like to point out some serious issues related to the attitudes of many young Americans, maybe even you.
You Will Know the Tree by Its Fruit
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   03.30.23
It is a biblical principle that everything reproduces after its own kind. This is true in the physical world, going back to the first chapter of Genesis and right until today. Orange trees reproduce oranges (and orange trees), not apples (and apple trees), and dogs reproduce dogs, not cats. The same is true in the spiritual realm. 
California Dreaming?
By Thomas Hampson   |   03.29.23
Is it possible that our legislators are trying their best to make Illinois the California of the Midwest, without the mountains or beautiful weather? Our Governors, most certainly, are competing. Both have wildly inflated egos, both ignored their own directives during the height of the pandemic, and both have designs on the White House.
Standing Up to Agenda-Driven Education
By Mae Arthur   |   03.28.23
It seems like common sense: parents of school-aged children should know what their kids are being taught, what kinds of content are being made available to them, and how school officials are using their students’ private data. Even a few decades ago, there would have been a consensus among parents, educators, and legislators that moms and dads, not the public school system, are the primary decision-makers and responsible parties in the lives of their kids. But in the modern, dystopian American educational system, involved parents are now considered a threat to the self-proclaimed experts tasked with teaching our kids.
Danville Abortion Mill Press Conference
By David E. Smith   |   03.27.23
Members of the Illinois Freedom Caucus,  local pastors, pro-life advocates and dozens of local citizens gathered in front of the old Dillman Eye Clinic on North Logan Avenue in Danville, Illinois at noon Monday, March 27th to protest the planned opening of an abortion facility.
Dr. Erwin Lutzer: The Eclipse of God in American Culture
By Kenna Rose   |   03.27.23
Why has our culture gotten so bad, so fast? This question has been posed by many of us in recent days: young adults looking at the world we’re about to step into and wondering how we’ll manage, grandparents trying to figure out why their sweet granddaughter wants to be called Bert, parents watching the government school system trash their child’s faith, and pastors, trying to lead their flock away from glittering worldly baubles.
Our Cultural Whitewashing
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   03.27.23
Not too long ago Mr. Potato Head was in trouble. In a day when even a sitting U.S. Supreme Court justice claims not to know how to define a woman, the hubris of calling any toy “Mr.” is just too much for our present culture.

Even Piers Morgan was upset about this tempest-in-a-teapot because the “Mr.” part of Mr. Potato Head was “upsetting a few wokies.”
What’s To Be Done?
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   03.25.23
My mentor, when I became the leader of a pro-life organization, told me that it was not enough to inform Christians regarding the issues at stake in the abortion battle; I had to give them something to do or they would become frustrated and inactive. As I have listened to conservatives address the multiple threats the Left poses to America and our liberties, I find myself frustrated by the lack of options they present.
Educating Parents and Grandparents: The Public School Option
By Kenna Rose   |   03.24.23
There are a lot of people proclaiming public schools as harmful - bastions of evil, intent on ruining innocent minds and brainwashing hearts. Some of it can seem like just plain noise, but how much of it is true? What is truly going on in public schools? Is there actually anything going on, or are people just crying wolf? During the Village Church of Barrington’s seminar “Parenting in a Godless Culture: Educating Parents and Grandparents,” church elder David Cartwright answers this question by tracing the history of public schools.
U.S. Representative Mary Miller’s Congressional Family Caucus
By Ecce Verum   |   03.24.23
Earlier this month, Representative Mary Miller (R-IL) announced the launch of the Congressional Family Caucus from the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. In a brief but spirited speech, she explained that the caucus' purpose is to defend the natural family from Left-grounded erosion.
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