All Articles : Page 31
Exporting Abortion and An Honest Evaluation
By Mae Arthur   |   11.14.23
When you’ve already achieved the status as one of the most radically pro-abortion states in the nation, what’s left to do? Export your agenda, of course! That’s what Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker is doing with his newly established nonprofit, Think Big America.
November 2023 Call to Prayer
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   11.13.23
Fervent praying can accomplish much for and in the kingdom of God. The English word fervent simply means “impassioned, forceful, passionate, heartfelt, powerful, and wholehearted.” The verse seems to indicate that a passionate, wholehearted prayer will accomplish much, implying that a half-hearted prayer will not be as effective. Do we pray in faith really believing and expecting God to answer our prayer and grant our requests if they are in line with His will?
Remember Those Who Served to Preserve Freedom
By Walker Wildmon   |   11.11.23
In John 15:12-13 Jesus says, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” Whether it is a husband protecting his wife, a mother protecting her children, or a friend protecting another friend, being willing to die for someone because of your love for them is a noble cause. On Veterans Day we have the opportunity to recognize the men and women who put their lives on the line for their family, neighbors, and fellow Americans.
Mike Johnson and the Separation of Church and State
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   11.11.23
With Mike Johnson’s selection as the new Speaker of the House, the attacks were instantaneous. One criticism directed at the new Speaker was that he routinely violates the “separation of church and state.”  If the accusers had any knowledge of American history, they would not quickly raise such an issue against a Baptist.
Equality at its Worst
By Ecce Verum   |   11.10.23
Riley Gaines is back in the news. After her patently unfair college competition against "transgender" swimmer Lia Thomas, she has been crossing the country speaking out against men competing in women’s college sports. And unsurprisingly, many progressives are outraged at a woman who dares to speak the truth about womanhood.
Keep Faith In Illinois
Did you know that, in 1982, leaders in the Illinois General Assembly began the process of establishing a Prayer Room in our Capitol building? It is no longer there. But a new initiative has been launched in an effort to put a chapel (prayer room) back in the Capitol.
The Fall of a Thanksgiving Tradition
Ahhh…the scenes and smells of the fall season in the Midwest are here. Leaf collection and burning — where allowed. Crisp morning air with men still wearing shorts who refuse to believe summer has ended. Pumpkin everything has arrived, including several variations of pumpkin lattes at Starbucks. 
Parents, Do You Know What Your Kids Believe About Israel?
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   11.08.23
What about those under the age of 18? What do they think about Israel? A recent article in the Jerusalem Post explained that, “Around five dozen individuals, some associated with Hamas and collectively boasting more than 100 million social media followers, have been waging a propaganda campaign against Israel on various social media platforms since the start of the Swords of Iron war on October 7.”
Urgent Rally Tomorrow in Springfield!
A last ditch effort to keep the Invest in Kids Scholarship Program alive will take place tomorrow in Springfield. Buses are available, but RSVPs are necessary.
A Warning for Parents
By Micah Clark   |   11.07.23
We hear a lot about fentanyl deaths in America today due in large part to our open southern border. One of the saddest parts of this crisis is the number of young people who die from overdoses, by accident from taking what appear to be other drugs or medicines that are laced with this lethal drug.
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