Pastor De Jesus “The Gap is Waiting for Leaders”
Pastor De Jesus “The Gap is Waiting for Leaders”
Written By   |   09.04.14
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Wilfredo De Jesus is pastor of New Life Covenant Church in Chicago and is the author of “In the Gap: What Happens When God’s People Stand Strong.”

A gap, as in Ezekiel 22:30, is a place of vulnerability, exposure, risk or weakness.

Is the church filling the gap?

“I’ve seen so many Christians – leaders – not wanting to get involved,” says De Jesus. “And it’s really the opposite because He says in Ezekiel,  I’m looking for a man who will stand in the gap. And if you read that verse, He says, I didn’t find out one person.”

De Jesus, known as “Pastor Choco,” made Time’s “100 List” in 2013. He

A small remnant is involved in helping resolve the nation’s issues but De Jesus says most want to see it from a distance, to let the government handle it when God is looking for Christians to stand in the gap.

“Those pastors would say, Hey, if I had the money I would do the ministry. They’ve got it backwards,” says De Jesus. “Do the ministry and God will send you the money. So we cannot depend on the government.”

Pointing to various biblical figures ranging from David to Deborah to Nehemiah and John the Baptizer, De Jesus says they saw a situation, stood in the gap, and God gave them victory.

He says Christians can do the same today.

This article was originally posted at the website.  

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