New Film Exposes and Mocks “Progressives”
New Film Exposes and Mocks “Progressives”
Written By   |   07.19.14
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Former FBI informant in the Weather Underground, Larry Grathwohl, is one of the stars of Joel Gilbert’s new film, “There’s No Place Like Utopia,” which is premiering in Denver on July 18th and then goes nationwide.

Friday, July 18, also happens to be “Blog About Larry Day,” to remember his service to the nation and his untimely death last year. His friend Tina Trent says, “we are asking that bloggers, radio folks, podcasters, and others in the media use July 18th to tell the truth about violent leftist radicals like Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn and their ilk.” She adds, “Their war against America began with bombs, but it continues today in our institutions of higher education, the media, and the government.”

Grathwohl was a veteran of the Vietnam War, fighting the communists in Southeast Asia, before infiltrating their ranks and fighting them on the streets of America.

Gilbert says, “Larry Grathwhol was a hero of mine because he was on the front lines protecting America from the Marxist terrorist movement that wanted to destroy America.”

In addition to highlighting the service of Larry Grathwohl, the new film shows Gilbert visiting and joking with liberals and Obama supporters in order to understand what makes them tick, and to see whether they have become disillusioned. Inside an abandoned church in Detroit, Gilbert surveys the wreckage, including the busted stained glass windows and broken pews, and sings “Hallelujah, I’m Ready to Go.”

The film is both serious and entertaining. It makes you laugh and almost want to cry, as he skillfully describes what seems like the planned destruction of America.

Gilbert goes to Chicago where he interviews a local politician, sort of a young Barack Obama, who continues the “hope and change” rhetoric. He even started out, like Obama, as a “community organizer.”

Those who think we can overturn this unfolding disaster—and learn from what has been happening to us—have to be disappointed by the comments made in the interviews that Gilbert conducted with young Chinese visitors to Washington, D.C.

One admits that Mao killed 50 million people and made “great mistakes,” but is nevertheless still held in respect. “He’s great,” one of the young Chinese visitors tells Gilbert. At the same time, they admit—and seem quite comfortable in saying—that they have no free speech rights in China. “You can’t say communism is a bad thing,” one tells Gilbert. Otherwise, you go to a labor camp.

So is there a real possibility of recognizing the dangers of Marxism before they engulf a country? Or even after? That’s the open question left by Gilbert’s ultimately disturbing film.

Of course, an awakening of any kind in the U.S. is not likely if young people turn into zombies. Gilbert travels to Colorado to learn about the widespread availability of legalized marijuana, another project encouraged by the Obama administration. One young man talks about using dope to address the problem of high arches in his feet. It is a ploy to get high.

Massive illegal immigration, another project to solidify Democratic Party rule in America, is addressed through Gilbert’s interview with a military veteran who examines how the demographics of Denver have changed and the quality of education has deteriorated.

One of the most fascinating interviews in the film is with former Soviet KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky, who describes socialism as a “perverted version of Christianity” and says, “It is a temptation. It can’t bring anything good.”

“It’s a fairy tale for illiterate people,” he adds.

But the film shows that many educated people, such as the college-educated leaders of the terrorist Weather Underground, accepted the dogma of Marxism-Leninism. Later, they switched gears, from bombing police stations to infiltrating academia and government.

One of those bomb blasts, which killed San Francisco Police Sergeant Brian V. McDonnell in 1970, is highlighted in the Gilbert film. A newscast from the time describes the “heavy one-inch staples” packed in the bomb and how one of them “pierced the skull” of McDonnell. He suffered in the hospital for two days before dying.

Grathwohl describes, in old film footage, how leaders of the Weather Underground had plans to eliminate 25 million Americans after they took power in America.

The current rehabilitation of Weather Underground figures such as Bill Ayers makes the Gilbert film powerful and worth seeing. The public and the news media need to be reminded of the  communist terrorist movement in America that killed police and civilians, and also targeted our military personnel.

Joel Gilbert is a brave filmmaker who is not interested in “debating” the likes of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn as they demand rehabilitation and acceptance. Gilbert wants to expose them and put them behind bars, where they belong.

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