Summertime Challenge
Summertime Challenge
Written By David E. Smith   |   07.10.14
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Summer is a critical time of the year financially for IFI.  Summer schedules often keep people busier than usual and some simply forget to make the contributions they had planned to make.   As giving drops off significantly during this time of year, our financial needs now are a bit more intense.

In order to sustain our crucial work, IFI must have a stable base of regular supporters to establish a more consistent budget intake.  As you can imagine, the ebbs and flows of donations for non-profit organizations like ours leave us with uncertain expectations of support.  

A predictable and dependable stream of monthly support is a crucial component to running a non-profit ministry like IFI.  

That’s why we need your help. 

We’ve decided to launch a summertime challenge to our readers and supporters, in hopes of reaching the goal of adding 25 new monthly supporters to our roster of Sustaining Partners during the month of July.  

Trusting in God to go before us, the Illinois Family Institute is on the front lines protecting and defending traditional Judeo-Christian values, speaking the truth about the institution of marriage, life and religious liberty against the onslaught of those who seek to quash them.  All of our efforts to educate the Body of Christ, the general public, our state policy makers and to mobilize pro-family forces require resources.

That is why I hope that you will make a donation to IFI this month, or better yet, become a monthly Sustaining Partner.

Please consider becoming a regular monthly giver to help me and IFI reach its goal of adding 25 new monthly supporters?  Could you commit to $10 a month or more?  Any size monthly commitment or even a one-time donation would be a tremendous blessing to us!

Our goal is to continue growing IFI’s influence in the state.  That will not be possible without increasing our bottom line.  Simply put, without these sustaining funds, our effectiveness on behalf of you and your family is limited. 

IFI is committed to being a strong and effective voice for Judeo-Christian values and biblical principles.  That will not change.  Help us become a stronger and more influential voice for Christian values in the public square of Illinois by becoming a monthly Sustaining Partner or making a one-time donation.  Your tax-deductible gift is vitally important in the fight to preserve the family and righteousness in our culture.

Illinois is our home and we must do all that we can to make it a blessing, and not a curse to our children and generations yet unborn.

sustaining-partner-logo-250x125  DonateToday

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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