Did Jesus have anything to say about homosexuality? Do we have any authority to say that any sin is worse than another? Just how important is the issue of homosexuality to the church today? In the video below, Dr. Robert Gagnon sets the record straight during his session at the IFI Worldview Conference in 2022. Dr. Gagnon presents a stunning expose of the Scriptural teaching on homosexuality, as well as some devastating rebuttals of cheap arguments that some propose to justify compromise.
From the first chapters of Genesis, to Old Testament scriptural narratives, to the teachings of Jesus Himself, to the writings of the Apostle Paul, Dr. Gagnon walks us through a wealth of scriptural texts that clearly show us how to think biblically about homosexuality. Dr. Gagnon goes to great lengths to compare the biblical treatment of homosexuality with the biblical treatment of other sexual sins (such as incest or polyamory), and addresses modern-day discussions of these sins, which are likely to only become more accepted as culture becomes more depraved.
Moreover, after debunking seemingly-scriptural arguments that would compromise with homosexuality, he shows us the God-honoring way to address homosexuality in our own times. Lessening the seriousness of sin does not mean you are loving anyone more.
Don’t miss out on Dr. Gagnon’s wealth of knowledge and contemporary cultural observations, and accept his challenge to boldly stand for the truth!