PODCAST: No More Single Sex Bathrooms in Chicago Public Schools

The Chicago Public Schools (CPS) system—rife with systemic bias against conservative views of sex and sexuality—has announced its newest effort to cultivate “inclusivity” and “equity” in all of its K-12 schools. The “social justice” activists, puddenheads, and lemmings who lead the CPS have banned all sex-based bathrooms for children and staff. Instead, children and staff are free to use any bathroom they are “comfortable” using.

Subjective feelings now trump objective scientific reality in determining bathroom usage policy. All bathrooms are now co-ed. No word yet on how the CPS plans to include and respect children and adults who are uncomfortable sharing bathrooms with opposite-sex persons.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: No More Single Sex Bathrooms in Chicago Public Schools
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