Pastor Holmes: “God’s People Must Pray”
Pastor Holmes: “God’s People Must Pray”
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Written by Pastor Myles Holmes

Prayer is how God works in His world. Jesus told us we must pray for God’s Kingdom to come and His will to be done. Therefore, if we do not pray, God’s Kingdom is not established and His will is not accomplished. All the mighty works of the Spirit we see in the Bible, all the wonderful revivals in 2000 years of church history, have all been birthed through intercession and prayer.

Take note that the disciples did not ask Jesus to teach them how to preach or teach or sing, they did not beg Him for better leadership principles or to teach them how to manage. They did not ask Jesus to make them more effective communicators or better writers.

They watched the power and authority that Jesus ministered in. They saw His effectiveness casting out demons and healing the sick. They were so very close to His love and tenderness and compassion. But they watched him leave crowds to spend nights alone with His Heavenly Father. The disciples saw him up early before breakfast alone in the mountains in intercession. The disciples asked…  “Lord, teach us to PRAY.” Luke 11:1

We must pray in faith

Jesus said, “Whatever you ask when you pray, believe that you received it and you will have it.” Mark 11:24.  The only way to really determine if you are praying in faith, is whether you are surprised when God answers!  We can be delighted, and we can be happy, but if we are truly praying in faith we should not be surprised. We expect. We anticipate. We believe. Because that’s Who God is. That’s what He does. He works miracles. It’s His character. We fully expect Him to do what He does. We pray in faith. All our problems are answered in prayer. All the power we need to move God’s mighty hand is found in prayer. All the relationship we so desperately need with God is found in prayer.

We must pray in the Name of Jesus

That means using His Name in faith as His legal authority and legal representative. We are the Bride of Christ. We have His Name. We write a check in faith and we can sign His Name to it. The Bank of Heaven will cash it. Just like my wife can use my name because of our relationship, we can use the Name of Jesus with power and authority. “Whatever you ask in My Name, that I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” John 14:13.

Samuel Chadwick wisely reported, “Satan trembles when he sees the weakest Christian on his knees.”

Join with us in prayer as God’s ambassadors on earth, praying in faith and praying in the Name of Jesus.

  • Decree in faith a mighty move of the Holy Spirit across America in a great Spiritual Awakening, birthed out of a fresh tsunami of repentance and righteousness.
  • Cry out for the Spirit of God to wake up His church to their place of authority and their calling to prayer, intercession and a life of consecration and personal holiness.
  • Decide now that you will personally answer that call to engage the culture, to fill your place, to stand at the wall with sword and shield and be faithful regardless of the cost.
  • Pray against the recently opened Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Fairview Heights, Illinois. May it not prosper.
  • Prophesy against deception, lies and falsehood in media, education and culture.
  • Pray for our President and his family and cabinet especially as Washington D.C. runs hot with impeachment fever.
  • Pray for churches and preachers in America to wake up to their responsibility to preach and teach the whole counsel of God without fear or favor.
  • Pray for marriages and families in America to take their place as leaders, not consumers or followers of a broken, dark, lost culture.
  • Pray for God’s blessing on the Illinois Family Institute’s Annual Faith, Family and Freedom Banquet with Rev. Franklin Graham tonight in Tinley Park. Prophesy that God will cause this gathering to spark a fresh Spiritual Awakening in Chicago and all throughout this great state.
  • Pray that God will strengthen, encourage and bless the courageous, Biblical, moral leaders we have in this hour with His presence, power and anointing. Pray for their health and strength and energy and that God would continue to supernaturally bless their marriages and their families.
  • Pray for God’s mercy and grace in America. Pray that the Remnant would arise. Pray that the Name of Jesus Christ would reign supreme!

We live in what are prophetically strategic days, amid the most awesome time in history. The battle is so much deeper and higher than simple politics.  We are on the edge of Eternity. The battle   goes beyond media or culture.  It is much more intense and critical than opinions or feelings or ideas. We now live in the cosmic conflict between light and darkness, between truth and satanic deception, between Heaven and hell.

And you, my friend, are perfectly placed, Divinely centered in time and history, “You have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this.”

Myles has traveled in ministry throughout the USA, Canada, the Caribbean, China, Israel, and South America. He and his family immigrated to the USA in 2006 and became citizens in 2016.

Television ministries have given him an audience around the world for more than 20 years. He has authored four books and is unashamedly politically incorrect and Biblically truthful. Myles believes that since 90% of every political issue is actually a moral and therefore a Biblical issue, for preachers to ignore politics is to lose their prophetic voice.

He is happily married to his wife of 36 years, with five married children and four wonderful grandchildren. Myles and his wife Valerie co-lead Revive Church in Collinsville, Illinois, and he works to put a smile on the Face of God & give the devil a migraine every day!

Myles serves on the Illinois Family Institute Board of Directors.

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