What Pastors Can Do to Protect Their Congregations in the Wake of Same-Sex Marriage
What Pastors Can Do to Protect Their Congregations in the Wake of Same-Sex Marriage
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Written by John W. Mauck

The church today faces attacks from many directions. On the front of religious liberty, past behavior and expressed objectives indicate the LGBT movement will not be satisfied with the recent Supreme Court’s ruling requiring same-sex marriage recognition and gay activists will continue to assail Biblical teaching on marriage and sexuality.

Now that the Court has declared same-sex marriage a “fundamental right,” churches which hold to Biblical teaching must be prepared to confront any possible lawsuit. For example, if a church refuses to rent out its facility for a same-sex wedding or remove someone from membership because of sexual sin, it may be open to legal action. Nevertheless, churches are not without defenses under current law.

To ensure the best legal protection, church boards need to review and if necessary update bylaws, membership policy, statement of faith, facility use policy, and employment criteria, clearly stating the church’s position on marriage. Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has provided an excellent free resource of legal templates to protect your church and ministry from some legal issues that may lie ahead. The handbook is called Protecting Your Ministry.

ADF’s guide is general in scope and is not a substitute for customized legal advice. A church should always have their attorney review any changes to its foundational documents bearing. The attorneys at Mauck & Baker are also able to assist you.

Also be mindful that legal danger to most churches in our times is not an external attack from the LGBT activists or even from the state. Rampant church splits within a congregation or between a congregation and denomination are by far the most common legal and spiritual threat to the Lord’s body.

The ensuing legal battles can be bitter costly and destructive, not only to the health and well-being of individual congregations but to the families of people involved through several generations. These divisions result from deceptive philosophies, faulty interpretations of the Bible and lies fed to God’s people. Members of the congregation are often influenced by the culture and new Scriptural eisegesis condoning sexual immorality and distorting the Gospel’s message. Even mature believers are susceptible to these types of deceptions because the world and its secular courts fail to tell them of the disastrous results consequential to the gay lifestyle.

To guard against a church split over the issues of same-sex marriage, gay ordination, or sexual sin, we are recommending three preventatives:

  1. Teach people the pathology of homosexual lifestyle. NARTH.com has a wealth of information on the subject.
  2. Teach people that God can and will help people change. The feature length documentary, Such Were Some of You by Pure Passion Media, is an excellent resource for testimonies of people who overcame their same-sex attraction. Visit SuchWereSomeofYou.org.
  3. Teach people of the danger to our children of gay adoption, child custody, or foster care. Visit FamilyStructureStudies.com.

Pastors who are firm in true Biblical doctrine will face fewer legal problems, than pastors who equivocate. A unified congregation armed with truth and firm in the faith can withstand legal attacks against their church.

Let us always remember the words of Paul, “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” 1 Cor 15:58 (ESV).

Originally published at MauckBaker.com.

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