2nd Vote’s Research Uncovers “Big Businesses Behind the Houston Ballot Measure”
2nd Vote’s Research Uncovers “Big Businesses Behind the Houston Ballot Measure”
Reading Time: 2 minutes

By 2nd Vote

Again, the City of Houston is at the center of the liberal assault on religious liberty and traditional values.

Today, Houstonians head to the ballot box to vote on Proposition 1, also known as the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO).

The latest article from The Daily Signal’s Kelsey Harkness highlighted the high stakes of today’s decision using 2nd Vote’s research:

[R]esidents aren’t the only ones having a say in the debate. According to groups supporting the measure, a number of big businesses have gotten behind the ballot initiative, urging voters to say “yes.” Seven of the biggest include:

  1.     Apple
  2.     BASF
  3.     Dell
  4.     Dow Co.
  5.     General Electric
  6.     Hewlett Packard
  7.     United Airlines

HERO has been controversial since it was first implemented in 2014 and Houston area pastors leading the effort to recall the measure had their sermons subpoenaed by city attorneys. 2nd Vote stood with the Family Research Council and the Houston pastors just one year ago this week in support of religious liberty.

More on the HERO measure from The Heritage Foundation

Ryan T. Anderson, Senior Research Fellow:

Once again big business wants its freedom to operate according to its values, but wants to deny that freedom to others… In Houston they are advocating for the kind of policy that has elsewhere penalized family businesses of bakers, florists and photographers, as well as faith-based adoption agencies. This is cultural cronyism at its worst.

United Airlines Funds Advocacy for HERO

2nd Vote’s research team found political advertising paid for by the Business Coalition for Prop 1 in the weeks leading up to today’s vote. A newspaper ad signed by executives from JPMorgan Chase, UnitedHealthCare, Citi, HSBC Bank and others in support of the HERO measure ran in the Houston Chronicle.

The latest election finance reports shows a direct contribution of $10,000 made by United Airlines to this organization.

Does United Airlines align with your values? Tell their leadership why companies shouldn’t undermine religious liberties here or through the United Airlines Twitter page.

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