Ultrasounds Showing Life to Abortion-Minded Parents [VIDEO]
Ultrasounds Showing Life to Abortion-Minded Parents [VIDEO]
Written By Monte Larrick   |   04.14.15
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Ultrasound Opportunity Act is being discussed in the Illinois General Assembly and around the nation. Such an act would simply require an abortion facility to offer an ultrasound to a mother. Statistics show that 78% of abortion minded women who see an ultrasound, will end up choosing life for their child. See video below:

YouTube video

TAKE ACTION: Contact your State Representative and urge support for the Ultrasound Opportunity Act, HB 2701, CLICK HERE.

Monte Larrick
Larrick, an award winning broadcast journalist, retired from Moody Broadcasting in Chicago after more than 30 years of service. In 2014, he joined the IFI team to use his news...
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